Category: Musing Mondays

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s question:
Where is your most often used (favorite) reading spot? Do you have more than one? What makes your favorite spot just that
My Answer:
I have a few depending on what room I am in and what season it is.  Now that its summer I like reading by and in the pool. In the winter, especially if it is snowing, my living room recliner so I can also see the snow coming down.  And then there is the family room recliner and of course, in bed. 

Musing Mondays (2 of 4)


Musing Mondays is now being hosted by Miz B.  Thank you so much for hosting.
Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s Question:
Do you ever read a word or phrase that sparks a specific place or setting in your mind and makes you crave to read a book with that type of place/setting in it?
My Answer:
  I think that with every book I read, I am transported there in my mind.  If the author conveys, with detailed words the description of where the book is taking place, I can sense the location in my imagination.  And with every book I read,  I travel the world.

Musing Mondays (2 of 4)


Musing Mondays is now being hosted by Miz B.  Thank you so much for hosting.
Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s Question:
Do you ever read a word or phrase that sparks a specific place or setting in your mind and makes you crave to read a book with that type of place/setting in it?
My Answer:
  I think that with every book I read, I am transported there in my mind.  If the author conveys, with detailed words the description of where the book is taking place, I can sense the location in my imagination.  And with every book I read,  I travel the world.

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)

Before getting to today’s memes, I want to thank Mr. Vincent Zandri author of Moonlight Falls, for spending the afternoon with us and to all those that stopped by and joined in our discussion.  There were some great comments and fantastic questions.   It appears, that both EReaders and Books will continue to live together in the avid reader’s and consumers lives.  There is not one clear winner but both have pros and cons to what we like as individuals.  And the poll that was placed this week on this blog had HC 45.5%.  I have to admit, that surprised me, with today’s economy and the price of HCs.  Or either that, used book stores are very busy lol.  Paperback books followed and EReaders came in last.
Also, I have a favor to ask.  I enjoy all the memes that I participate in.  Great way of finding new blogs and meeting the new people behind those blogs.  So what is my favor?  I am looking for a couple of more memes for Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.  If you know of any or have joined some on those days, would appreciate you linking me up.

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)

Before getting to today’s memes, I want to thank Mr. Vincent Zandri author of Moonlight Falls, for spending the afternoon with us and to all those that stopped by and joined in our discussion.  There were some great comments and fantastic questions.   It appears, that both EReaders and Books will continue to live together in the avid reader’s and consumers lives.  There is not one clear winner but both have pros and cons to what we like as individuals.  And the poll that was placed this week on this blog had HC 45.5%.  I have to admit, that surprised me, with today’s economy and the price of HCs.  Or either that, used book stores are very busy lol.  Paperback books followed and EReaders came in last.
Also, I have a favor to ask.  I enjoy all the memes that I participate in.  Great way of finding new blogs and meeting the new people behind those blogs.  So what is my favor?  I am looking for a couple of more memes for Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.  If you know of any or have joined some on those days, would appreciate you linking me up.

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)


Hosted by Rebecca at Just One More Page
Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about movies based on books…
What happens when you see a movie based on a book/story, especially one you’ve not read? Do you feel the need to track it down and read it?
Today’s question is an easy one for me.  I am not a “movie” person.  It is only on a rare occasion that I watch a movie.  And on those rare occassions, it is not one based on a book.  Its something that my hubby wants to watch and trust me, it wouldn’t have anything to do with a book.  I would rather read and use my own imagination than watching a movie.

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)


Hosted by Rebecca at Just One More Page
Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about movies based on books…
What happens when you see a movie based on a book/story, especially one you’ve not read? Do you feel the need to track it down and read it?
Today’s question is an easy one for me.  I am not a “movie” person.  It is only on a rare occasion that I watch a movie.  And on those rare occassions, it is not one based on a book.  Its something that my hubby wants to watch and trust me, it wouldn’t have anything to do with a book.  I would rather read and use my own imagination than watching a movie.

Musing Monday (1 of 3)



Hosted by Rebecca at Just One More Page
Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about:
Do you have to carve out time in your day for reading (due to work and other obligations), or does your reading just happen naturally? (Question courtesy of MizB)
     Over the past 6 months, I had plenty of time to read due to not being able to do much in way of household obligations and limited activity.  Now, since the surgery, I have even more time to read while recuperating.  And according to the surgeon, the little activity I am allowed will probably be for 3 months or longer.  Now, in the morning I work on the computer and my afternoons are for reading and dozing (because of the pain waking me up at night, I don’t get a very long restful sleep).  For the future, I have thought about this a lot.  I have much to do in way of mine and my mother’s house, which will not give me much time to read.  I will probably be very selective in the books that are for “requested reviews”.