Category: Musing Mondays

Musing Mondays (1 of 4)


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Todays Musing:
  What book tops your TBR (to be read) pile right now? Is it something you own, or something you have to borrow, or something you’ll be purchasing? Why do you want to read it so badly?

My Response:
  The top of my TBR Review Pile, and waiting to be picked up, is The Nobodies Album by Carolyn Parkhurst.  I have read some really good reviews and even had a giveaway, so can’t wait to get my hands on it.
  When I went “public” with my blog, I really thought requests for reviews would be far and few between, but was wrong.  I haven’t read a book from my Personal TBR Bucket Pile since January.  My “Review Policy” is that I read requested review books in order that I receive.  So the day they get delivered, a post-it goes on the front of the book, with date received and from who and any other notes regarding that book, example if there is a giveaway, guest author posting, etc etc.  Every book in my TBR Review pile, I am anxious to read because either I asked to read it or when an email was sent asking if I would review, I read the synopsis to see if I think I would enjoy and be a good “match”.  My pile is high but am looking forward to reading each and every one of them.  Happy Reading all!!!

Musing Monday (1 of 3)


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s Topic:
Do you review books? If so, for who?  If not, have you ever thought about doing so? Why, or why not?

My Response:
I started  officially accepting ” requested review books” in December, which is when I made my blog public, after the encouragement of some fellow bloggers, and I consider will be my “anniversary”.  Before that my blog was used as a “personal review” of books I had read and to participate in challenges and memes.  I originally thought that “review requests” would be far and few between.  I was wrong.  Since then I have developed working relationships with quite a few publishers, authors and agents.  I am reluctant to start naming them in case I miss a few but am totally amazed at how many there are.  I never thought my blog would reach that kind of level.  I am also, pleasantly surprised, when an independent agent or author contacts me regarding a book, it’s a hmmmm moment as to how they found me.  Reviewing and blogging have become a huge part of my life, which I thoroughly enjoy!!  

Musing Monday (1 of 3)


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s Topic:
Do you review books? If so, for who?  If not, have you ever thought about doing so? Why, or why not?

My Response:
I started  officially accepting ” requested review books” in December, which is when I made my blog public, after the encouragement of some fellow bloggers, and I consider will be my “anniversary”.  Before that my blog was used as a “personal review” of books I had read and to participate in challenges and memes.  I originally thought that “review requests” would be far and few between.  I was wrong.  Since then I have developed working relationships with quite a few publishers, authors and agents.  I am reluctant to start naming them in case I miss a few but am totally amazed at how many there are.  I never thought my blog would reach that kind of level.  I am also, pleasantly surprised, when an independent agent or author contacts me regarding a book, it’s a hmmmm moment as to how they found me.  Reviewing and blogging have become a huge part of my life, which I thoroughly enjoy!!  

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s Musing:
What does your bookshelf (or, what do your bookshelves) say about you to the people who come into your home?
My Response:
  People visiting have made comments like “wow  do you have enough books”?, or “you must love to read” and then they will usually look at the synopsis’ of a book, and ask “was this good?  Mind if I borrow’?
  However, they usually don’t see all of them.  On my PB shelf, there are 2 piles in depth of the shelf, so there are a lot hidden, even to me.  Visitors will also see what hubby and I went to school for because some of our college textbooks are in the bookcase too. 
  Overall, I would say that my bookcases say that I am an avid read with a wide range of genres.

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s Musing:
What does your bookshelf (or, what do your bookshelves) say about you to the people who come into your home?
My Response:
  People visiting have made comments like “wow  do you have enough books”?, or “you must love to read” and then they will usually look at the synopsis’ of a book, and ask “was this good?  Mind if I borrow’?
  However, they usually don’t see all of them.  On my PB shelf, there are 2 piles in depth of the shelf, so there are a lot hidden, even to me.  Visitors will also see what hubby and I went to school for because some of our college textbooks are in the bookcase too. 
  Overall, I would say that my bookcases say that I am an avid read with a wide range of genres.

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s question:
Can you read amidst distractions? (tv, others talking, sporting events, etc)
My Answer:
Absolutely!!!  If I am “transported” into the plot, I don’t hear anything around me.  My family thinks it is funny because they could be talking to me and I am “not here”.  It does frustrate them, at times, when they have to call my name a couple of times to bring me back to reality.  I usually have the tv on all day, low volume, tuned into a cable news station, just in case there is some breaking news that I might be interested in.  I can’t read without background noise or I will fall asleep.

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s question:
Can you read amidst distractions? (tv, others talking, sporting events, etc)
My Answer:
Absolutely!!!  If I am “transported” into the plot, I don’t hear anything around me.  My family thinks it is funny because they could be talking to me and I am “not here”.  It does frustrate them, at times, when they have to call my name a couple of times to bring me back to reality.  I usually have the tv on all day, low volume, tuned into a cable news station, just in case there is some breaking news that I might be interested in.  I can’t read without background noise or I will fall asleep.

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading 
Today’s Question:
What are you currently reading? Would you recommend it to others? Is it part of a series (if so, which one)? What are you thinking about it? What book(s) would you compare it to, if any?
My Answer:
My current read is Through Hazel Eyes by Heather Hummel.  It is not part of a series and yes I would definitely recommend it.  Matter of fact, I would say, make sure you enter the giveaway I am hosting.  Ms. Hummel has generously offered 2 signed copies for my followers/visitors.  When I feel that I can vividly imagine what is happening in the storyline due to the author’s writing style and descriptions, that’s a good book.  Where I am so engrossed in the plot that I am transported and not aware of what is going on around me…that is a great book.  And Through Hazel Eyes has all those ingredients.