Category: Musing Mondays

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading 
Today’s Question:
What are you currently reading? Would you recommend it to others? Is it part of a series (if so, which one)? What are you thinking about it? What book(s) would you compare it to, if any?
My Answer:
My current read is Through Hazel Eyes by Heather Hummel.  It is not part of a series and yes I would definitely recommend it.  Matter of fact, I would say, make sure you enter the giveaway I am hosting.  Ms. Hummel has generously offered 2 signed copies for my followers/visitors.  When I feel that I can vividly imagine what is happening in the storyline due to the author’s writing style and descriptions, that’s a good book.  Where I am so engrossed in the plot that I am transported and not aware of what is going on around me…that is a great book.  And Through Hazel Eyes has all those ingredients.

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading 
Today’s Question:
  What do you think of books that receive a lot of hype? (think of the “Twilight” saga, or “Harry Potter”, or “The Da Vinci Code”). Do you read them? Why, or why not?
My Answer:
  It would depend on what type of book it is and/or who the author is.  If it is a book that I have no interest in the storyline, no matter how much hype, I wouldn’t have to think twice about not picking it up. 

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading 
Today’s Question:
  What do you think of books that receive a lot of hype? (think of the “Twilight” saga, or “Harry Potter”, or “The Da Vinci Code”). Do you read them? Why, or why not?
My Answer:
  It would depend on what type of book it is and/or who the author is.  If it is a book that I have no interest in the storyline, no matter how much hype, I wouldn’t have to think twice about not picking it up. 

Musing Mondays (1 of 4)

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading

Today’s Question:
Name your top 2-3 favorite genres (the ones you read most from).

My Answer:
Today’s question is an easy one.  My 1st choice, and as been for years, is the genre of Mystery/Suspense.  Those books keep me engaged and love to try and solve the mystery.  Maybe I was a PI in another life lol.  The 2nd would be Contemporary Chick Lit/Romance.  These you will find on my shelves and tbr list.

Musing Mondays (1 of 4)

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading

Today’s Question:
Name your top 2-3 favorite genres (the ones you read most from).

My Answer:
Today’s question is an easy one.  My 1st choice, and as been for years, is the genre of Mystery/Suspense.  Those books keep me engaged and love to try and solve the mystery.  Maybe I was a PI in another life lol.  The 2nd would be Contemporary Chick Lit/Romance.  These you will find on my shelves and tbr list.

Musing Mondays (2 of 4)

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading 

Today’s Question:
  Who in your family (both immediate & extended) are readers, and who are not?
My Answer:
  There aren’t many family members, both immediate and extended, that read.  Matter of fact, I can only think of 3 people.  My cousin Jennifer, my Godmother Liz, and my son’s gf Jessica.  That’s it.  And unfortunately they all live out of state.  So many times, I would read a book I thought was worth discussing, but nobody around me were interested.  That is why when I stumbled upon a book blog, then started clicking their blog roll, I couldn’t believe that all these people share their thoughts on books.  I finally found someone, I should say, many, many friends that were interested.  Over the years, I have tried so hard to encourage my immediate family (hubby and 2 sons) to read, but never could.  But last summer, I have to say, hubby heard a book being discussed on a cable news show and ordered it.  So I started a quality time, reading by the pool book club.  I got him to at least open the book and read the first 2 chapters.  lol  Will try again this summer.

Musing Mondays (2 of 4)

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading 

Today’s Question:
  Who in your family (both immediate & extended) are readers, and who are not?
My Answer:
  There aren’t many family members, both immediate and extended, that read.  Matter of fact, I can only think of 3 people.  My cousin Jennifer, my Godmother Liz, and my son’s gf Jessica.  That’s it.  And unfortunately they all live out of state.  So many times, I would read a book I thought was worth discussing, but nobody around me were interested.  That is why when I stumbled upon a book blog, then started clicking their blog roll, I couldn’t believe that all these people share their thoughts on books.  I finally found someone, I should say, many, many friends that were interested.  Over the years, I have tried so hard to encourage my immediate family (hubby and 2 sons) to read, but never could.  But last summer, I have to say, hubby heard a book being discussed on a cable news show and ordered it.  So I started a quality time, reading by the pool book club.  I got him to at least open the book and read the first 2 chapters.  lol  Will try again this summer.

Musing Mondays (1 of 3)


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s question:
Where is your most often used (favorite) reading spot? Do you have more than one? What makes your favorite spot just that
My Answer:
I have a few depending on what room I am in and what season it is.  Now that its summer I like reading by and in the pool. In the winter, especially if it is snowing, my living room recliner so I can also see the snow coming down.  And then there is the family room recliner and of course, in bed.