Category: Thursday Memes

Booking Through Thursday

Today’s Topic:
Well, folks, I don’t know about where you are, but right here, it’s HOT.

So … when you think about “hot reading,” what does that make you think of? Beach reading? Steamy romances? Books that take place in hot climates? Or cold ones?
My Response:
A few things come to mind.  I guess the first would be a steamy romance but I don’t usually read that genre.  What also comes to mind is reading while sitting by or in the pool with my book.  And HOT also makes me think of a really good book that I had trouble putting down.  And yes, it is hot and humid here in New England.  What do you think when you hear “Hot Reading”?

Booking Through Thursday

Today’s Topic:
Well, folks, I don’t know about where you are, but right here, it’s HOT.

So … when you think about “hot reading,” what does that make you think of? Beach reading? Steamy romances? Books that take place in hot climates? Or cold ones?
My Response:
A few things come to mind.  I guess the first would be a steamy romance but I don’t usually read that genre.  What also comes to mind is reading while sitting by or in the pool with my book.  And HOT also makes me think of a really good book that I had trouble putting down.  And yes, it is hot and humid here in New England.  What do you think when you hear “Hot Reading”?

Booking Thru Thursday

Today’s Topic:
Do you have friends and family to share books with? Discuss them with? Does it matter to you?
My Response:
Between my family and friends, there are only 2 people that love to read and they live out of state.  I send the majority of my books to my cousin and we will share what we think in our emails or she will check out my blog to read my review of a book I have sent to her.  It does matter, especially when I finish a book that I can’t wait to discuss with someone.  That is one of the main reasons I started this blog, because now I have many friends to discuss my books with, to see what they are reading and which books they recommend.

Booking Thru Thursday

Today’s Topic:
Do you have friends and family to share books with? Discuss them with? Does it matter to you?
My Response:
Between my family and friends, there are only 2 people that love to read and they live out of state.  I send the majority of my books to my cousin and we will share what we think in our emails or she will check out my blog to read my review of a book I have sent to her.  It does matter, especially when I finish a book that I can’t wait to discuss with someone.  That is one of the main reasons I started this blog, because now I have many friends to discuss my books with, to see what they are reading and which books they recommend.

Booking Thru Thursday


Today’s Topic:
Name a book or author that you truly wanted to love but left you disappointed. (And, of course, explain why.)
My Response:
A hard question this week.  Off hand I can only think of 3 answers.  One being Carol Higgins Clark, I tried reading one of her books years ago, thinking her books would be similar to her mother’s, but remember being quite disappointed.  So much so that I never did finish the book.  Two, recently I tried reading Nancy Grace’s Eleventh Victim, especially with all the hype, got it from the library and another one I set aside.  And third,  would be any book that I start, read 1/3 into it and have to put it down.

Booking Thru Thursday


Today’s Topic:
Name a book or author that you truly wanted to love but left you disappointed. (And, of course, explain why.)
My Response:
A hard question this week.  Off hand I can only think of 3 answers.  One being Carol Higgins Clark, I tried reading one of her books years ago, thinking her books would be similar to her mother’s, but remember being quite disappointed.  So much so that I never did finish the book.  Two, recently I tried reading Nancy Grace’s Eleventh Victim, especially with all the hype, got it from the library and another one I set aside.  And third,  would be any book that I start, read 1/3 into it and have to put it down.

Booking Thru Thursday

Today one of our fellow, or should I say gal. blogger is celebrating a milestone.  Julie over at Reading Without Restraint today turns the Big 40!!!!  So if you get a chance, stop by and wish her a Happy Birthday.  She is another nice book blogger, but then all book bloggers are the nicest people.  And she has a great site !!!!
Today’s Question:
Do you read book reviews? Do you let them change your mind about reading/not reading a particular book?
My Answer:
Yes…Absolutely!! I read the reviews of books that look interesting to me, the genres I like, and authors that I enjoy.  I have been surprised at times when a blogger, who appears to have the same likes as me, will write a soso of an author I like.  Prior to blogging, I would have put that on my tbr list no matter what.  But today, books go on my tbr depending on the reviews.  Only drawback I have found with reading reviews, is that my tbr list is now what I call my “tbr bucket list”.  At my age, and with the list I have going, I know that there is no way I will read all those books.  🙁

Booking Thru Thursday

Today one of our fellow, or should I say gal. blogger is celebrating a milestone.  Julie over at Reading Without Restraint today turns the Big 40!!!!  So if you get a chance, stop by and wish her a Happy Birthday.  She is another nice book blogger, but then all book bloggers are the nicest people.  And she has a great site !!!!
Today’s Question:
Do you read book reviews? Do you let them change your mind about reading/not reading a particular book?
My Answer:
Yes…Absolutely!! I read the reviews of books that look interesting to me, the genres I like, and authors that I enjoy.  I have been surprised at times when a blogger, who appears to have the same likes as me, will write a soso of an author I like.  Prior to blogging, I would have put that on my tbr list no matter what.  But today, books go on my tbr depending on the reviews.  Only drawback I have found with reading reviews, is that my tbr list is now what I call my “tbr bucket list”.  At my age, and with the list I have going, I know that there is no way I will read all those books.  🙁