Thrill Week–Day Two


Hosted by Marce  at Tea Time with Marce

What is Thrill Week (from Marce’s place)

 It is all about Networking with Bloggers and Authors who love to read and write Thrillers, Mystery, Suspense and/or Horrors. The goal is to find new blogs and bloggers with similar interest in those genres and of course add to our huge TBR and Wishlists.

Yesterday started the Blog Hop, it will stay open all week, feel free to join, go here. respond to the Thrill Ride Questionnaire, link up and network.

Thrill Week Brain Teasers

Day 2
Many enjoy being Detective, put your skills to the test, can you guess the answer to these Mystery Brain Teasers?

Mystery Brain Teaser 1
The Notes

Detective Brown reviewed the information they had on the case so far. A lady was found shot and they already had a list of suspects – John, Mark, Sarah, Henry, and Carol. Plus, there were five notes that were found that were from the killer. The first was found in a supply room. The second was found in an art studio. The third was in a restroom, the fourth in an animal shelter, and the fifth at the harbor. All of the notes read the same thing, “The clues are where you find the notes.” Yet, nothing was found at anyplace the notes were.

Taking one more look at all the clues, Detective Brown immediately solved the case.

Who did it?

hmmm..This is why I love mysteries, however, I usually don’t figure them out until the end.  I was thinking John because of the location of the third note but then thought it might be Mark, (lol not my son Mark) because the killer was leaving his “mark” at each site. 

 Mystery Brain Teaser 2 (NOTE – Christian teaser, I don’t want to offend anyone)
Murder or Suicide

Detective Wesley carefully examined the scene before him. He was in a hotel room about 3 miles from the victim’s home. The victim’s body lay in front of him peacefully on the bed. It was January 7th, 3:15 PM, the body was discovered by a hotel maid. The man’s name was Sean Donovin. He was in his late twenties, a successful business owner, a Sunday school teacher, and was soon to be married. The detective shook his head in disgust. He whispered to himself, “Why would anyone commit suicide when they had everything going for them?”

The detective saw this as suspicious. The only potential suspects would have to be people he trusted. According to testimony from his coworkers and friends, he only trusted 3 people: his sister, Hannah, who was very close with the victim and who often assisted him while he taught at the local church; his brother, John, who owned a smaller, semi-successful business; and his fiance, Jenna.

The apparent cause of death was by injection of poison. At least his death was peaceful, the detective thought. The detective continued to search the hotel room, when he stumbled upon a suicide note. It read:

Jan 04/2009 4:10 AM

My loved ones,

Jenna, Sis, John, I would just like to tell you how sorry I am. Blame God for why I am to die today. Blame Him. Seek Him if you want to know why I did leave you. Do not mourn my death. Please move on.


The detective saw this letter as somewhat suspicious. His last words were abrupt, almost impersonal. Why would a Sunday school teacher blame God?

The body was taken in for medical examination. Days later, the coroner would determine that the body died from a poison which killed instantly. The coroner would also determine that the body was only dead a mere 3 hours before it was discovered.

The detective then realized that the date and time used on the note were completely false. All 3 of those mentioned in the letter agreed the handwriting was indeed Sean’s.

The detective realized that the identity of the murderer was given inside the suicide note. After a thorough examination of the note, Detective Wesley quickly arrested the murderer.

Who was it?

I’m thinking that is John, his brother because the note said “seek Him” and there was only one male on the note.

Have fun, I will give the answer on Tuesday, Sept 4
I am going to try and hide answers but unsure how to do this……
Who wants to take a “stab” at Marce’s brain teasers?  Who and what do you think the answers are?   Do you have your Detective hat on? 

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