Happy Labor Day and Monday Memes


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading

Today’s muse:
Have you ever considered writing a book before? What genre would you write?

My response:
No, however my husband has said on many occasions that I should.  It would be a memoir.  And those who know me and know my story, have said that they can’t believe all I have lived through.   Not a normal, typical, average life.

I will share one incident that happened when I was approximately 8-9 years old, that even to this day, I can recall every minute of an eight month period because of it’s impact it left on me.  My father, a business man, was approached by the state police, to tell him that there was credible information that my family was a target by people who had been following my parents, knew our life and who would shoot to kill if necessary.  They then asked if they could set up a sting operation.  My father agreed.  The next 8 months were terrifying as to the things we had to do, knowing we were being watched, seeing the police laying in wait on the floor in our dining room with their guns aimed at the doors and enough ammunition to “take the side of our house off”.   There is much more to this story, that could fill at least 4 chapters, except it wasn’t fiction it was my reality.  I did state, not a typical 8 year old’s life.

September is being hosted by BookNAround 

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour.
According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”
Click on text to read synopsis via IndieBound


Wednesday:  I, Michael Bennett by James Patterson–won from Bookin’ With Bingo
Saturday:  Low Pressure by Sandra Brown–The Hachette Book Group

Hosted by Acting Balanced 

1. What was the toughest job you ever had?
One that I didn’t get paid but received the greatest rewards for and that was being a parent and raising my sons. I was lucky to be a SAHM and quite honestly, those were the happiest years of my life. The hard part was being structured and with consistent follow through. It would have been so much easier giving in but I knew it would pay off in the end. Today my sons are men, with successful jobs in their fields, presently working on their Master’s and my oldest bought a house on his own and my youngest  just got engaged.

2. What one characteristic makes a good boss?

3. How did you celebrate ‘the end of summer’?
Getting ready for the movers tomorrow that will be bringing furniture from my Mom’s house here and to the assisted living facility where my sister lives.

4. Do you follow the fashion rules about Labour Day being the end of wearing white etc?
Not sure if that rule exists anymore. But I usually don’t wear white so it doesn’t apply to me.

5.  Any special plans for today?
Working around the house, hopefully get some posts drafted, and some work done for Partners In Crime Tours.

16 thoughts on “Happy Labor Day and Monday Memes

  1. Wow, Cuz…You SHOULD write a book. That sounds terrifying.

    I always like Sandra Brown’s books. Enjoy. So many new books all the time that I haven’t heard of.

    I have already read the book I received last week and have an author giveaway for it. LOL!! 🙂

    Have a good week.

    Silver’s Reviews

  2. You should write a book. My mother took a memory class and we published her stories. The title is “From Diapers to Dentures”. It is a great way to immortalize the history of our family from my mother’s perspective. I would also like my daughter Heather to write a book since a lot of material is already in her blog.
    I have a lot of romance books in my house at the moment. They are light summer reading. I am waiting for the next book by Molly O’Keefe to come out.

  3. No special plans for me. Me and the boy might watch a couple of movies (currently watching Degrassi), grill some hot dogs and burgers later….easy day!

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