Category: Award

It never ceases to surprise and amaze me when presented with an award.  Today I was honored to have Darlyn from darlyn & books bestow on me this new award.

We live near and far but as book bloggers, we live in a very kind and friendly neighborhood of the blogosphere.   We have the same thing in common, the love of books.  I have said it before, sorry to keep repeating myself, but the nicest people are book bloggers.  I can not express how much it means to me to be part of this community.  So thank you Darlyn for this award !!!!   Now the criteria:
The award requires me to list 10 honest things about myself before pass it to 10 other bloggers. Hope I don’t bore you lol.
   1.  I wish I could go back in time when my boys were toddlers
   2.  I miss my old job and not being able to work
   3.  I  believe one good trait I have is being a good listener
   4.  Another good trait is that I keep secrets.  When asked not to tell, I don’t
   5.  I can’t bake, it becomes a disaster
   6.  I despise lying
   7.  I despise clutter
   8.  I love to read while sitting on a float in our pool
   9.  I love to read during thunderstorms
 10.  In winter, I love to read during snow storms with an afghan around me.
Now I will be passing this award to both old and new friends and in no particular order:
Busy Moms Who Love To Read
Dollycas’s Thoughts
Under The Boardwalk
Rreading At The Beach
Paper, Pens, & Lipgloss
Tea Time With Marce
A Cup of Tea and A Cozy For Me

It never ceases to surprise and amaze me when presented with an award.  Today I was honored to have Darlyn from darlyn & books bestow on me this new award.

We live near and far but as book bloggers, we live in a very kind and friendly neighborhood of the blogosphere.   We have the same thing in common, the love of books.  I have said it before, sorry to keep repeating myself, but the nicest people are book bloggers.  I can not express how much it means to me to be part of this community.  So thank you Darlyn for this award !!!!   Now the criteria:
The award requires me to list 10 honest things about myself before pass it to 10 other bloggers. Hope I don’t bore you lol.
   1.  I wish I could go back in time when my boys were toddlers
   2.  I miss my old job and not being able to work
   3.  I  believe one good trait I have is being a good listener
   4.  Another good trait is that I keep secrets.  When asked not to tell, I don’t
   5.  I can’t bake, it becomes a disaster
   6.  I despise lying
   7.  I despise clutter
   8.  I love to read while sitting on a float in our pool
   9.  I love to read during thunderstorms
 10.  In winter, I love to read during snow storms with an afghan around me.
Now I will be passing this award to both old and new friends and in no particular order:
Busy Moms Who Love To Read
Dollycas’s Thoughts
Under The Boardwalk
Rreading At The Beach
Paper, Pens, & Lipgloss
Tea Time With Marce
A Cup of Tea and A Cozy For Me

This morning I woke up to some great news!!!  I started with my usual routine, coffee mug in hand readng my newsletters, emails and checking comments on my blog.  And there it was…a comment to pick up awards…..not 1 award BUT 2 !!!!!!  I feel that I keep repeating myself, but it is true,  it truly makes me feel so good and so part of the “book blogging world”.   It reinforces that I must be doing something right to be presented with all these awards.  Maybe its because my blog only went public in November/December and  that I still consider myself a semi newbie, but it is such an honor for me to be presented with these awards.  Julie from presented me with the following awards:

I recently received these same awards and passed them on.  So at this time, I am going to wait and see if I find some new blogs in the Book Blog Hop tomorrow, that I feel I want to pass these great awards on.  And if you haven’t visited Reading Without Restraint, you should.  Julie has a fantastic blog with really good posts.  Julie, thank you soooo much for these awards!!! 

This morning I woke up to some great news!!!  I started with my usual routine, coffee mug in hand readng my newsletters, emails and checking comments on my blog.  And there it was…a comment to pick up awards…..not 1 award BUT 2 !!!!!!  I feel that I keep repeating myself, but it is true,  it truly makes me feel so good and so part of the “book blogging world”.   It reinforces that I must be doing something right to be presented with all these awards.  Maybe its because my blog only went public in November/December and  that I still consider myself a semi newbie, but it is such an honor for me to be presented with these awards.  Julie from presented me with the following awards:

I recently received these same awards and passed them on.  So at this time, I am going to wait and see if I find some new blogs in the Book Blog Hop tomorrow, that I feel I want to pass these great awards on.  And if you haven’t visited Reading Without Restraint, you should.  Julie has a fantastic blog with really good posts.  Julie, thank you soooo much for these awards!!! 
  I apologize in advance for the length of this post.
  This is probably the hardest post for me to write because I am at a loss for words as to how to say thank you especially as to what kind of award this is.  When I first stumbled onto a book blog, not even knowing this world existed, I was intrigued.  I stalked, looked into, peeked from afar into this community that shared the same love of mine, books.  There are only a couple of family members and friends who enjoy reading as much as I do.  How many times I wanted to discuss a book I had read with someone and couldn’t but here I found so many that were doing just that.
  The more I read on these blogs, the more I wanted to join in.  I got up the courage to ask a few bloggers questions on how to go about getting involved and these bloggers were kind and patient with me and answered all of my questions including computer issues as I am not computer savvy.  Not only do I consider them “my mentors” but since that first question, they all became my friends.
  And yesterday, one of these “mentors” presented me with an award that was not only new to me but it’s wording made me feel that I am making, at least this mentor, proud.  It is humbling to receive this type of award from such an experienced blogger.  She told me when I first started asking all my questions, that the “nicest people were book bloggers” and she was right.  To this day I have met so many kind, helpful, caring people.
  So who is this fantastic person….Vicki from Reading At The Beach and this is what she presented me with.  Thank you Vicki, not only for being one of my mentors but also becoming my friend.
And now the criteria:
This award is awarded to those bloggers that:

1~ post almost everyday, if not every
2~ reply to every comment that’s posted
3~ just down right LOVE blogging!
Those bloggers are the ones that make it more than worthwhile to be a follower!
Now, here are rules for this award :
Share one extraordinary thing that’s happened to you then pass this award along to 5 Xxtraordinary bloggers.
My extraordinary event/thing:
  I realize that I am truly blessed to be able to accept this award and to write this post.  I have only shared this with a few family members, friends and blogging buddies.  Not only was it scary but I am now sharing it because I feel that prayers were an extraordinary saving grace.  I had many people offering up prayers for me, including some blogging friends, before, during and after my surgeries last month, which I believe pulled me through a very critical situation.
  These complications, at times, were critical.  There were 3 incidents where I almost didn’t make it.  I went into a semi comatose state for hours and on 3 occasions my blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels, my respirations close to shutting down.  But all those prayers, I truly believe pulled me through, and allowed me to be with my family and sitting here writing typing this post.  And to those blogging buddies, a very special thank you.
And I now pass this to:

Karen from Bookin’ With Bingo
Gautami Tripathy from Everything Distils Into Reading
Gina from Hott Books
Julie from Reading Without Restraint
Dolly from Xmas Dolly
  I apologize in advance for the length of this post.
  This is probably the hardest post for me to write because I am at a loss for words as to how to say thank you especially as to what kind of award this is.  When I first stumbled onto a book blog, not even knowing this world existed, I was intrigued.  I stalked, looked into, peeked from afar into this community that shared the same love of mine, books.  There are only a couple of family members and friends who enjoy reading as much as I do.  How many times I wanted to discuss a book I had read with someone and couldn’t but here I found so many that were doing just that.
  The more I read on these blogs, the more I wanted to join in.  I got up the courage to ask a few bloggers questions on how to go about getting involved and these bloggers were kind and patient with me and answered all of my questions including computer issues as I am not computer savvy.  Not only do I consider them “my mentors” but since that first question, they all became my friends.
  And yesterday, one of these “mentors” presented me with an award that was not only new to me but it’s wording made me feel that I am making, at least this mentor, proud.  It is humbling to receive this type of award from such an experienced blogger.  She told me when I first started asking all my questions, that the “nicest people were book bloggers” and she was right.  To this day I have met so many kind, helpful, caring people.
  So who is this fantastic person….Vicki from Reading At The Beach and this is what she presented me with.  Thank you Vicki, not only for being one of my mentors but also becoming my friend.
And now the criteria:
This award is awarded to those bloggers that:

1~ post almost everyday, if not every
2~ reply to every comment that’s posted
3~ just down right LOVE blogging!
Those bloggers are the ones that make it more than worthwhile to be a follower!
Now, here are rules for this award :
Share one extraordinary thing that’s happened to you then pass this award along to 5 Xxtraordinary bloggers.
My extraordinary event/thing:
  I realize that I am truly blessed to be able to accept this award and to write this post.  I have only shared this with a few family members, friends and blogging buddies.  Not only was it scary but I am now sharing it because I feel that prayers were an extraordinary saving grace.  I had many people offering up prayers for me, including some blogging friends, before, during and after my surgeries last month, which I believe pulled me through a very critical situation.
  These complications, at times, were critical.  There were 3 incidents where I almost didn’t make it.  I went into a semi comatose state for hours and on 3 occasions my blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels, my respirations close to shutting down.  But all those prayers, I truly believe pulled me through, and allowed me to be with my family and sitting here writing typing this post.  And to those blogging buddies, a very special thank you.
And I now pass this to:

Karen from Bookin’ With Bingo
Gautami Tripathy from Everything Distils Into Reading
Gina from Hott Books
Julie from Reading Without Restraint
Dolly from Xmas Dolly

Time (2 of 3)


Yesterday I was again surprised and amazed when one of my new followers, Renee from Addited To Romance Blog Site ( presented me with this award.  This one is a new one to me and am very honored.  Renee is a new book blogger and has quite a nice site, so please stop by and say hi to her.  Now on to the reward and criteria:

Here is how it works:

If you are given this award you must first accept it by leaving a comment on the post you were nominated on. Then copy and paste the post and add it to your own blog. Make a list of the last 5 books you read and pass the award on to 5 other bloggers (no backsies!). Please also identify the blog from which you got the award and don’t forget to tell them they have a blog award!
My comment on her blog after receiving award:
  Renee: Congratulations on your award !!!! Enjoy !!! And how kind of you to pass it to me. I am a semi newbie to book blogging and remember receiving my 1st award and have to say honestly, that it feels the same way when presented with subsequent awards, it truly makes me feel that I am accepted into this wonderful family of book bloggers. I will post about this award with my Thursday’s postings. Again thank you, this award is a new one for me.
Here are the last five books that I have read:

I am passing this award on to some new and not so new blogs that I follow.  And they are, in no particular order:
Aleksandra’s Corner
Gautami.tripathy Everything Distils Into Reading
I hope you enjoy as much as I did !!

Time (2 of 3)


Yesterday I was again surprised and amazed when one of my new followers, Renee from Addited To Romance Blog Site ( presented me with this award.  This one is a new one to me and am very honored.  Renee is a new book blogger and has quite a nice site, so please stop by and say hi to her.  Now on to the reward and criteria:

Here is how it works:

If you are given this award you must first accept it by leaving a comment on the post you were nominated on. Then copy and paste the post and add it to your own blog. Make a list of the last 5 books you read and pass the award on to 5 other bloggers (no backsies!). Please also identify the blog from which you got the award and don’t forget to tell them they have a blog award!
My comment on her blog after receiving award:
  Renee: Congratulations on your award !!!! Enjoy !!! And how kind of you to pass it to me. I am a semi newbie to book blogging and remember receiving my 1st award and have to say honestly, that it feels the same way when presented with subsequent awards, it truly makes me feel that I am accepted into this wonderful family of book bloggers. I will post about this award with my Thursday’s postings. Again thank you, this award is a new one for me.
Here are the last five books that I have read:

I am passing this award on to some new and not so new blogs that I follow.  And they are, in no particular order:
Aleksandra’s Corner
Gautami.tripathy Everything Distils Into Reading
I hope you enjoy as much as I did !!