Category: Mailbox Monday

Monday Memes


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading

Today’s question:
Have you ever reread a book and found that your opinion changed?

My answer:
This is a very easy question for me.  I have never reread a a book.  Never.  There are just too many books, on my 5 shelf, Kindle  and Sony, and even more on my “hopefully in my lifetime” tbr list that I want to read.  My thoughts are that instead of taking the time to reread a book, I would much rather put that time towards what I haven’t read.  However, and if you are a rereader, would like to hear/read why someone would read a book a second time, when you know how the book turns out?  Before joining this community, I can say honestly, that I had never heard of rereading.  But since that time, have seen that many book bloggers do, and have wondered why.

Are you a rereader?

August is being hosted by5 Minutes for Books

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour.
According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”


Click on title for synopsis via IndieBound:
Tuesday:  Angels Landing by Rochelle Alers from The Hachette Book Group
Friday:  Leaves by Michael Baron from The Story Plant–Spread The Word Initiative
Friday:  A Wanted Man by Lee Child (ARC) from Shelf Awareness

Monday Memes


 Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s muse:
This week’s musing –courtesy of — asks…
Do you snack while you read? If so, what is your favorite reading snack?
My response:
Unfortunately yes.  I say unfortunately because I am so wanting to lose weight.  I have been trying to snack on fruits, yogurts, something healthy.  However, I also will snack on pretzels and soy chips.  I find that lately I have been snacking more, because due to medical issues, I tend to doze off while reading.  But if I’m snacking, I don’t.  This week will be a test, since I signed up for a Read-A-Thon, to gauge if wearing a CPAP mask for sleep apnea is helping.   I have a severe case of apnea and it is the cause of me falling asleep during the day.  I feel as if the positives are starting to kick in so this week will definitely let me know if I am right.
What about you?  Do you snack while reading?  And if so, what do you snack on?

August is being hosted by 5 Minutes for Books
Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour.
According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”
Click on text for synopsis from Amazon
Monday:  Identity by Mark Hosack from Simon & Schuster
Saturday:  The Prophet by Ethan Cross from The Story Plant-ARC for PICT
Hosted by Acting Balanced 

1. How was your weekend?
I was quite busy with doing work for Partners In Crime Tours. Even though it was all work related, it’s work that I enjoy and pride that the company, in one year, has become so successful. I also watched and listened to the weekend’s Olympic events while working.
2. What is your favorite kind of candy?
3. If I say the word ‘high’ what do you think?
High fives!
4. What are you most looking forward to about Autumn?
No humidity, however, I’m not really looking forward to the cooler weather because along with that comes the change of clocks whereas the days seem too short and also knowing that winter is right around the corner, which I definitely don’t like.
5.  Did you watch the closing ceremony of the Olympics?
Most of it.

Monday Memes


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading

This week’s question:
What attracts you to a book blog? What puts you off in a book blog? Do you share personal stuff on your book blog?
My answer:
For me, first and foremost, is if the blog has similar reading likes of genres that I enjoy and content.  At least once a week, I search the internet and visit many blogs, looking for hosts to invite to Partners In Crime Tours.  I am amazed at the number of book blogs that there are now, as compared to when I first started in this community.  Thousands.  A large majority being YA/MG.  The next is if the blog has a pleasant look and easy to navigate.  To me, that says that they put in a little extra for their readers since we are the ones who see the main page.   Things I don’t like are, and there seems to be less of it now than before, and that is music on the site, difficulty navigating, and word verification.  However, and it happened to me on blogspot, I understand why since there are those people/bots that fall under the category of spammers and one has to protect their site.

I do share some personal events in my life and also enjoy seeing the same on blogs that I visit.  I believe it gives one a little window into the blogger behind the screen.

August is being hosted by 5 Minutes for Books

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour.
According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”
Click on text for more information/synopsis.



Monday:    The Last Innocent Hour by Barbara Taylor Sissel (gifted from Author)
Monday:    A Slice Of Death by Bill Walker (from author)
Tuesday:   Cabernet Sauvignon for Beginners by Sara Fasolino (WOW-Author)
Thursday: The Outlaw Among Us by Nathan Dodge (Simon & Schuster)

Hosted by Acting Balanced

I saw this meme on Vicki’s blog, I’d Rather Be Reading At The Beach, last week and thought it might be fun to participate.  So here goes….and btw…if you want to join me, just click on the link above to play along.

Here are FOUR QUESTIONS that everyone can answer and then you have the option to add a fifth question of your own for those who are visiting your blog to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four standard questions you answered!

1. Finish this sentence – The thing I dislike most about shopping is….
is at the check out and seeing how much I spent lol.
2. What is your favorite flavor of jello?
Strawberry Banana
3. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day who would you be and why?
Oprah Winfrey.   She appears to be such a down to earth person with an unending amount of energy in everything she does.  Would love to see and participate in a day in her life.
4. Who changes the lightbulbs at your house?
Both my husband and myself.
Bonus question:
5.  What time do you start your day?

Usually 6am

Monday Memes


Before I share my Monday memes, I want to wish a special someone a very Happy Birthday!  She has been part of our family for quite a few years and both my husband and I consider her our daughter.  She has the biggest heart of anyone I know, is caring, funny, sweet and is the love of my oldest son’s, Paul, life.  My other daughter, Heather!!  Isn’t she beautiful?

Have a very Happy Birthday Honey!!  Hope your day is wonderful and that you and Paul have a fun day!!!

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading

Today’s question:
What question(s) would you like to see asked in future Musing Mondays posts?

My answer:
My Monday routine has been altered today.  Usually I boot up my computer, grab my coffee, set up and open the windows of sites I will need, and head on over to Should Be Reading to get Monday’s Musing question to answer.  However, today we are asked to ask questions for future musings, which also means more coffee to get the brain cells to wake up and think lol.  Since I am behind in my “requested review TBR reading schedule”, I am going to ask for hints in this area.  So my questions are:

1.  Since we are all avid readers with an addiction to books, do you accept more books even though you know you are behind in your reading?  Does it then cause anxiety when you receive them knowing you can only read so many books?

2.  Do you have a system as to which books to read from your “requested review pile?  What is it?  What about when there are too many to read in a certain time frame?

3.  Something I would like to know since becoming part of this community, is how one manages between the necessities of daily RL, blogging and computer to-dos, and reading all the books in one’s TBR pile.  Do you allocate a certain amount of time to each?

July is being hosted by Mrs. Q Book Addict 

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour.
According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”
Click on text below for more information via IndieBound


07/27  Friday:  The Serpent’s Bite by Warren Adler from Brianne @ Media Connect
07/28  Saturday:  Play Him Again by Jeffrey Stone from Author
07/28  Saturday:  The Shoulders of Giants by Jim Cliff from Author

Monday Memes


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading

Today’s question:
Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? If not, why not?

My response:
If I happen to be sitting in a doctor’s waiting room and a cover catches my eye about an article, I may pick it up.  Sometimes my husband gets points from frequent flyer miles, where he can choose a magazine for a free year’s subscription.  Depending on what he decides on, I may pick it up.  But overall I would say I’m not a reader of magazines.  I would rather put the time into reading a book.

 July is being hosted by Mrs. Q Book Addict 

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour.
According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”

                            Author (PICT)                    Author  (PICT)


Gina from Hott Books

Monday Memes and High Summer Read-A-Thon

Today is the start of High Summer Read-A-Thon, hosted by Michelle of The True Book Addict, and will run through July 22nd.  It is not too late to sign up!!  Starting tomorrow I will have a “sticky note” progress report as to how I am doing.  If you would like to join in, click the link below.  Not too sure how much reading I will be getting in because this week I am very busy with Partners In Crime Tours and will also be preparing for an upcoming pool party on Saturday since the engaged couple, my son, Mark and Jess, will be coming home!!!!!

Hosted by Michelle  from Seasons Of Reading

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading

Today’s question:
What are you currently reading? Is it any good? Would you recommend it?

My answer:
I just recently finished reading Sweat by Mark Gilleo, a phenomenal read.  And had planned to start reading Twelve Months by Steven Manchester, from The Story Plant as part of their “Spread The Word Initiative”.  He is being compared to Michael Baron, which I am a huge fan of.  So hopefully today, for the Read-A-Thon and when I get caught up with Partners In Crime Tours, I will be able to start it.


July is being hosted by Mrs. Q Book Addict
Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour.

According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”
                                   Author            From Gina @ Hott Books


Monday Memes


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading

Today’s muse”
Have you ever read a book that, at the time, you didn’t feel a strong connection towards, but as time goes by you find yourself thinking about it a lot?

My answer:
I would have to say no.  If I read a book that doesn’t leave an impact on me, I tend not to remember anything about it, even as soon as I read concurrent books nor do I think about it.  On the other hand, a book that is compelling and/or one I thoroughly enjoyed will stay with me for a very long time.  I, have in the past, been in situations or something will happen and I can’t remember if it was a memory of RL or something that I read from a book.

What about you?  Do you find yourself thinking about books that were just ok?

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour.

According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”
Click on text below for more information via IndieBound.  




Until My Soul Gets It Right from Author, Karen Berner, for WOW tour
Greco’s Game from Author, James Houston Turner/Comfort Publishing
Forgiving Solomon, gift from Gina @ Hott Books
Out of the Shadows, gift from Gina @ Hott Books
11th Hour, won from Karen @ Booking With Bingo
Love Comes Later from WOW Tours
A Girl Like You, Sparkpoint Studio

Monday Memes


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading

Today’s question:
When you’re stuck for a book to read next, what do you do?

My response:
I’m reading this question with 2 different slants, probably because my brain has not received enough caffeine yet,  so will answer both.

1.  Does it mean you have finished a book and don’t have another one on deck?  No other book within your grasp?  For me, that has not been the case since I started blogging/reviewing.  I have too many books that are staring at me from my requested review pile so I always have a book that I can choose from, from the moment I finish the last page of my current read.

2.  Or does it mean one is not sure what the next book tbr  is.    Even with all the books that I do have to read, sometimes it depends totally on my mood.  Usually I know what the next read will be because of commitments, but sometimes I’m just not in the mood for that particular book.  And I have found that if I pick up a book and really not in the mood for it, it will be a struggle to read, takes me much longer to finish it and sometimes, will even put me in a mini slump.  My mood definitely depends on what I should read next.

What about you?  How would you answer this question?  And what do you do if you are “stuck” for a book?

July is being hosted by Mrs. Q Book Addict

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour.

According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”
Click on text below for more information via IndieBound.
                  The Story Plant-PICT                    Author-PICT
                      Sparkpoint Studio             The Story Plant