Talk & Thoughts

Confession…I had good intentions to relax and read this weekend.  However, I needed to do those dreaded (lol) things in life…laundry, groceries, minor chores.  BUT when I was done I treated myself to do the things I enjoy….purchase and d/l the books I bought.  I also visited some of my favorite blogs and found new ones that are now on my blog list.  I also entered in another challenge for 2010 which Royal Reviews is hosting ( and entered my 1st meme which An Island Life ( hosts…Aloha Friday.  My new self challenge is to find memes for each day.  Suggestions are welcomed as I am on the prowl for finding them.

My mantra is “everything happens for a reason”.  Since stumbling on the world of blogging, I have met some  very kind and friendly people.  Life has its up and downs and even some very difficult obstacles that we all have to deal with and overcome.  I would like to publicly and sincerely say Thank You to all those on my blog list as I am so enjoying this new world of blogging. It is definitely helping me deal with life’s challenges that I am facing and dealing with.  Again…THANK YOU

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