Hosted by An Island Life
From An Island Life: In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, visit An Island Life answer the question and then post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
My question is:
Do you always sign in with google friend connect when visiting a blog or just read the posts and not sign in….why or why not?
1. You have a chance to win the lottery…NOT!!!.
2. I need a 2nd cup of coffee right now!
3. There is a God.
4. Buy now and pay later.
5. It’s time to organize Lily Laptop’s folders, documents, favorite places and pictures for my blog so I can find items easier.
6. The balloon boy was thought to be up in the air but it was a hoax.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to organize this computer, tomorrow my plans include laundry, filling out the necessary paperwork for my orthopedic surgical consult for Wednesday, reading and relaxing and Sunday, I want to relax and read after going out with the family for brunch for my mother-in-law’s bday!

Was it just a month or two ago that my personal challenge was to enter into book bloggers challenges? Well…I met that goal…and then some lol. I just signed up for my 11th challenge…did I just type 11…ok Mash…you met your personal challenge.!!!!! I had to sign up and you might want to too when you hear the criteria. It is being hosted by DelGal’s Book Reviews at A Buck A Book Challenge. And these are the instructions:
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all could get paid to simply read books endlessly?
Wish you could some how be rewarded for all the time and effort you put in completing reading challenges, (of course other than your own personal satisfaction, which be no means should be devalued!)
Well, why not read a plethora of books, and just pay yourself for a job well done
BUT, here’s the “catch”, you MUST physically take a dollar and save it somewhere safe where it won’t be spent, every time you complete a book. At the end of the year, your total money saved will be the total amount of books read, .
Now, once Dec 31 comes, you’re must spend this saved money on something fun just for yourself (no paying bills, no buying gifts for someone else!), to begin the next year… Maybe more books for the new year? A nice dinner out to celebrate reading? The possibilities are endless! Finally, once this challenge completes on Dec 31st, please let your blog fans, and fellow challenge participants, know what you decided to spend your money on by posting whatever it may be. In short – put aside a dollar for each book you read. Post in the comment section your progress if you don’t have a blog, or a link to your blog. At the end of the year update us as to what you did with your saved money. That’s it!
How could I pass on this challenge? What about you? I can already see the $$$$ adding up especially since I signed up for J.Kaye’s 100+ challenge.
I don't use the Friend connect a whole lot.
Have a great Friday!
I'm usually always signed in-I never sign out.
I sign into Google first. I'm not really sure why, I suppose because I like to leave comments so I know that I need to sign in anyways. 🙂
I have my Google Friend Connection always signed in.
I think I am usually signed in?
Thank you all for stopping by.
I am always signed in too
I don't normally sign into Google Connect I just leave my link normally.
I am now following your blog. Happy Friday Follow!
Thank you all for stopping by !!!!
Have a great weekend.
I use it all the time. I'm following a lot of blogs. I catch up when I can.
I am always signed in…but sometimes I don't show as signed into gfc for some reason