Challenge Wrapups
  1.  Lisa Jackson Challenge   5/10
  2.  Awesome Author   0/3
  3.  RYOB   1/10
  4.  Romance Challenge   0/3
  5.  EBook Challenge   1/6
  6.  Reading From My Shelves   4/20
  7.  Suspense/Thriller   5/12
  8.  Books Won Reading   1/6
  9.  100+ Challenge   5/100
10.  FOMA   1/10
11.  A Buck A Book   5/100
I can’t believe it is almost 3pm here in New England and I am just starting to post. I know I have decided that my weekends were going to be Relaxing and Reading. But today I seem to have one speed and it is reverse…going to try and at least go for neutral.

For those who have been following the blog segment that I started writing about as a cathartic means for me to cope with what I am physically facing, I made a decision yesterday.
MY Photobucket JOURNEY
After processing all the pros and cons and discussing those with family and friends, the decision was made.  Ever since I looked at my x-rays, I knew, but on an emotional level didn’t want to face.  I made the phone call yesterday to start the process of being prepared for surgery.  I will be getting more details this coming week but they told me that due to the doctor’s surgical schedule and booking for the back to back surgery will probably not be until April.  There is also special criteria for the “2 day surgery” which I will also get details of.  So the decision has been made, the decision that I knew all along that was needed but frightened of.  When personal medical decisions of this proportion need to be made, being a nurse and having the knowledge, makes it so much harder.  So I am going to look on the bright side…that means a few more months of not being able to do much around the house and more time blogging and reading,  and now I know that there will be a light at the end of this painful tunnel.
Relax and Read Weekend
Hope everyone has a great weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!   And try to Relax and Read….it’s fun !!!!!!

1 thought on “

  1. I'm sure it feels good to have made a medical decision, even if you have a lot on your mind now. Keep us posted.

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