Musing Mondays (1 of 2)

Another week that I am not posting for Mailbox Monday.  I think my mailbox is on strike.  Everyday last week, I anxiously waited for the mail, but no books  🙁   So depressing lol!!  Its not like I don’t have enough books to review, BUT, and I am sure you feel the same way, I get so excited when I see that envelope addressed to me, knowing a book is inside, but which one?  But I will be visiting your blog to see what you received!!!
Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today’s musing:
     If your house was burning down –and you could SAFELY grab a book on your way outside to safety– what book would you make sure you ‘rescued’? Why?

My Response:
     I would get a big green plastic bag, grab all my signed editions, then if I had time, would grab the books in my review pile, and then any more books from my tbr shelf until the bag was full.

9 thoughts on “Musing Mondays (1 of 2)

  1. Ah Cheryl, its the same with me. I'm beginning to think that my mail man went on a vacation and didn't have the courtesy to let me know. No books for me AGAIN this week but guess what!? The tbr pile still has a number of books there that i have to finish reading. Am i crazy or greedy?????? LOL

  2. I know the feeling! I need a slow week, but it's so hard to wish for! I still get a thrill every time a book shows up at my door.

  3. I love my books, but I don't think I'd be exceptionally upset to lose any of them. They can be replaced. I would however, be freaking out about my dogs and cat. I also probably have more pictures to back up and take to work so they are in a separate place.

  4. Oh come on! It's not like you don't have a ton of TBR books already–LOL!

    I have at least one for you, so I will get it in the mail this week….

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