
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Today I will be taking a day off from blogging, to celebrate and give Thanks for everything that I have.  We will be spending the day with family, eating too much, talking about everything and anything, then complain that we ate too much but, sure, I’ll have another piece of that pie lol. And then if we can get up from sitting at the table,  head on home so we can unbuckle our pants and put on something comfy and relax.
So to all that may stop by today, Happy Thanksgiving!!!!  See you tomorrow!!! 

7 thoughts on “Holiday

  1. Cheryl have not gotten to the pie yet but ate too much turkey, dressing, yams and green bean casserole and am almost comatose… Enjoy your day!

    jackie >_<

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Luv! Hope you had a great one. Also, CONGRATS on being picked at the over 40 hop! WOO HOO! YOU GO GIRL! Fix your link though. Your button is what brought me here. Your link is not working! Just got home from Black Friday shopping and I'm pooped. Talk to you later & tell ya all about it I'm going to bed. Hugs

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