Guest Author Lou Aronica

How is everyone today?    I know I am thrilled because of who my guest is today.    Grab your coffee and get comfortable because it is truly a special day for me and I want to share with all of you!!    If you follow my blog and know me, you know I get very excited about certain things and it usually comes through in my posts whereas I get very chatty and animated (you should see me in person, being Italian, I also talk with my hands lol).    OK……enough about me but please indulge me with my fervent introduction.

Today’s guest is a very busy, multi talented, brilliant, a true gentleman, a person that I  highly respect and have the honor to call him “friend”.    Mr. Lou Aronica,  publisher of The Story Plant, contacted me when I first came on the scene of this neighborhood of book blogging and reviewing, asking if I would read and review a book he was publishing by author Michael Baron, Crossing The Bridge.    That was in December 2009.  Since that time, I have read and reviewed many titles by the same author and  other writers he publishes through The Story Plant- Spread The Word Initiative .    And every single one of those authors have been added and gone on my “favorite authors TBR” list, except one that I haven’t read yet, and that is Lou Aronica himself.  But I plan to rectify that problem.    I plan on reading the book he is going to talk about today.    So along with you, I now get to meet author, Lou Aronica.    Please help me give him a warm welcome to the CMash blog!!



Lou Aronica is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Element(written with Ken Robinson), as well as the national bestsellers The Culture Code (with Clotaire Rapaille) and Blue along with several other works of fiction and nonfiction. Prior to focusing on writing, Aronica spent twenty years as a book publishing executive, serving as Deputy Publisher of Bantam Books, and Publisher of Berkley and Avon Books, as well as founding the Bantam Spectra imprint. He is currently President and Publisher of The Fiction Studio and Publisher of The Story Plant.

Lou Aronica lives with his wife and four children in Southern Connecticut.

You can visit Lou at The Story Plant, Fiction Studio Books and Facebook and Twitter.



I’d like to thank everyone who read, responded to, and recommended my novel Blue. The success of Blue has been a rewarding and encouraging experience for me and has spurred me to move in even more ambitious directions with my fiction in the future.

That future begins with Differential Equations, a novel I collaborated on with Julian Iragorri. Julian is a true Renaissance man. He’s a financial wizard, a film producer, and a visionary, among other things. He also has remarkable storytelling gifts, and those gifts are on strong display in this novel.

Differential Equations is the story of Alex Soberano, a contemporary man in crisis. A tremendously successful New York businessman, Alex finds it difficult to embrace joy and accept love. When his life threatens to boil over, he escapes for a brief respite on the West Coast. What waits for him there is something he never could have imagined.

Intertwined with Alex’s story are the stories of three people from different times and places whose lives affect him in surprising ways:

• A woman from the South American city of Anhelo in 1928 that everyone knows as “Vidente.” For decades, Vidente, has been one of Anhelo’s most celebrated citizens because she has the ability to read colors that speak of a person’s fate. However, during one such reading, she sees her own future – a future that includes her imminent death.

• A man named Khaled who left his home in Bethlehem in 1920 to seek fortune in the South American town of Joya de la Costa. He has barely begun to gain a foothold when he learns that the wife and three children he left behind have been murdered. When a magical woman enters his life, he believes that destiny has smiled on him. However, destiny has only just begun to deal with Khaled.

• A nineteen-year-old student named Dro who flies from the South American country of Legado to Boston in 1985 and immediately walks onto the campus of MIT expecting instant admission. Dro’s skills at mastering complex, ever-changing differential equations intrigues the associate admissions director. However, the person he intrigues the most is the celebrated US ambassador from his country, and his relationship with her will define his life.

How the stories of these four people merge is the central mystery of Differential Equations.

If you’ve read Blue, I think you’ll find many similar motifs here, including the intersection of reality and imagination, and the transformative power of the spirit. You’ll also find a strong concentration on characters and their relationships (frankly, I don’t think I could ever be involved with a novel that didn’t concentrate on these). One note: while Blue was a novel for readers of all ages, Differential Equations is definitely an adult novel. Some of the situations in it are decidely not for teens.

You can find out more about Differential Equations here. I hope you get a chance to read it, and I’m looking forward to your thoughts.

Purchase links:
Order from Amazon here;  Barnes and Noble here;  Apple here; and  Chapters here.

Books by Lou Aronica:

The Forever Year (as Ronald Anthony)
Flash and Dazzle (as Ronald Anthony)
Until Again

A Million Thanks (as L.A. Stamford; with Shauna Fleming)
The Discipline Miracle (as L.A. Stamford; with Linda Pearson)
The Culture Code (with Clotaire Rapaille)
Riding the Blue Train (with Bart Sayle and Surinder Kumar)
The Secret Psychology of How We Fall in Love (as L.A. Stamford; with Paul Dobransky)
Miraculous Health (with Rick Levy)
The Power of Female Friendship (as L.A. Stamford; with Paul Dobransky)
The Element (with Ken Robinson)
Conscientious Equity (with Neal Asbury)


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