One month and counting!! The kickoff is right around the corner. Are you joining any challenges? If so, which ones? You can see the ones I will be participating in here. Hope you will join the fun!
I just signed up for:
I used to participant in a challenge like this at Book Journey but she didn’t host it this year so I did it on my own. Just using the books I read for review so far I have traveled to 43 States and 8 Countries Abroad. Several of my maps can be found here. The 2016 map is here. I also have a list on my blog of Books by State. I am a little behind updating those pages but hope to get caught up before this year ends.
Challenge – Try to read 1 book set in each of the 50 states + the District of Columbia. (51 Points). If you complete the challenge you earn 50 Bonus Points. You also can earn Bonus Points for books set in Counties around the world. 1 Bonus Point for each country. (No repeats – only 1 point can be earned for each country.)
Your books can be fiction or non-fiction and can be in any format, print, digital, audio.
So how do you decide what state a book is categorized under?
1. In a fiction read it would be the State or Country that the book spends the most time in. (Ie. If your main character is from Wisconsin but the book is all about his/her time in college in California – the books should categorize under California….)
2. Non fiction reads categorize in whatever State or Country it is about (Ie…. a book about fly fishing in Colorado is a Colorado point, and a book about women in Afghanistan is an Afghanistan point.
3. If the book goes from one state to another… go with the state that most of the time is spent.
Bloggers please grab the graphic above and post about this challenge on your blog.
I have found people like to share and communicate about the challenge and their progress so I have set up a Facebook Group for that purpose.
At the end of the year (before January 15, 2018) just fill out this form.
Prizes will be announced as we get closer to 2018.
Well, maybe not that last one.
Read on for the basics and to sign up using the linky!
* The Challenge will run from January 1st to December 31, 2017.
* Challengees must read at least one book from each category (listed below). Challengees must read a DIFFERENT book for each category – even if your book title might fit a number of categories, it will only count towards a single category. Challengees are free to choose which category best suits.
* Books selected can be from any genre and aimed at any age group. Picture books, anthologies, nonfiction, graphic novels and audiobooks are all okay to include.
* The categories listed are a loose guide and creative interpretation of the categories is not only encouraged, but applauded.
* Challengees should link their reviews/progress under the relevant linky lists on this page. If you don’t have a blog, you could link to your Goodreads shelf/reviews, or simply comment on this page as you go.
*Feel free to display the challenge button (html for which is in the sidebar) and share about the challenge wherever you like!
1. A book with a word of phrase relating to wildness in the title – any interpretation of the word “wild” is acceptable (eg: The Call of the Wild, Angry Aztecs, Crazy for You; An Untamed State)
2. A book with a species of bird (or the word “bird”) in the title: (eg: The Adventures of Robin Hood, The Thorn Birds, Turkey: A Modern History)
3. A book with an exotic or far-flung location in the title – fantasy and mythical locations are acceptable (eg: Paradise Lost, The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu, Atlantis Rising)
4. A book with an object you might hunt for in the title (eg: Treasure Island, One for the Money, The History of Love, Dreams from my Father, A Monster Calls, All the Answers)
5. A book with a synonym for chase in the title (or its derivatives: chasing, chased, etc) (eg: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, The Girl Who Chased the Moon, Follow the River, Man’s Search for Meaning, The Night Stalker)
6. A book with a means of transport in the title (eg: If I Built a Car, Walk Two Moons, The Girl on the Train)
7. A book with an object you might take on a search or hunt in the title (eg: The Golden Compass, The Map to Everywhere, Water for Elephants, Team of Rivals )
The 2017 New Release Challenge is a year-long challenge in which we aim to read books released in 2017. I am lucky enough to have an awesome co-host for the New Release Challenge, Lexxie @ Unconventional Book Views is here to share both the fun and the burden 😉 She is really the brains of the challenge. 🙂 There will be monthly update posts, and each quarter – the end of March, end of June, end of September and in December, there will be a giveaway with the update as well.
So I did pretty good this year with reading almost 70 new releases, this year I really want to try and concentrate on books I already have but I know I will get a few of those new releases no matter what I say…lol. So I am going to sign up for the New Release Pro.
If you need some help with what books are coming out check out Lexxie’s post as she is on the ball and has a goodreads page set up with some listed already!! 🙂
The rules for the 2017 New Release Challenge are simple:
Books have to be released and reviewed in 2017.
Other challenges can be used as well, if you are participating in the Netgalley / Edelweiss challenge or in the COYER challenge, books can count towards more than one challenge, as long as the ones you use for the 2017 New Release Reading Challenge qualify to the other rules.
The minimum length for a book to qualify is 100 pages, it can be in any format though, physical, e-book, ARC or audiobook.
The New Book Release Challenge is open from January 1st through December 31st 2017, and sign-ups are open until February 15th 2017.
You don’t have to be a blogger to participate, you can link to your review on Goodreads or Booklikes instead – so don’t be shy!
There are five levels in the New Release Challenge:
1-30 books per year – New Release Newbie
31-60 books per year – New Release Pro
61-100 books per year – New Release Veteran
101-200 books per year – New Release Enthusiast
200+ books per year – New Release Obsessed
Welcome to the 5th Annual Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge!
How does this challenge work?
For this challenge, I have chosen six keywords associated with each month in 2017. Your task is to read one book each month whose title includes one or more of the keywords for that month. Simple right?
- This challenge will run from January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017
- You can join anytime before December 31, 2017
- Books must be read and reviewed in 2017
- You don’t have to be a book blogger to participate! You can track your progress on Goodreads, Shelfari, Booklikes, etc.
- The book title you choose can be a variation on one of the keywords. Meaning, you can tweak the keywords. For example, your title could include the word ‘snowing’ or ‘snowflake’ even though the key word is ‘snow.’ Further, if the key word is ‘family‘ then your title could include the word ‘sister’ or ‘mother.’ It’s similar to the word game Word Association.
- Link up below to participate linking your post, Goodreads shelf, Shelfari, Booklies, etc.
- Lastly, have fun! This challenge is simply for the pure satisfaction of reading so please don’t worry if you have to skip a month or if you have to read your books out of order!
Here Are Your 2017 Keywords
JAN- Court, Fall, Of, Way, Deep, Thousand
FEB- And, Rose, Promise, Every, Deception, Blazing
MAR- Shall, Go, By, Silence, Her, Saga
APR- From, Trigger, Tale, His, Crown, Mist
MAY- Four, Wind, All, Fury, Days, Shade
JUN- Without, Know, Good, Watch, One, Have
JUL- Before, Final, All, Freedom, Life, Dream
AUG- Sun, Infinite, Big, My, Wherever, Most
SEP- Sand, From, Between, Ever, Reasons, Clash
OCT- Darker, You, Ashes, Out, House, Sea
NOV- Place, War, Heart, Why, Give, Meet
DEC- Forget, Twilight, Only, Crystal, On, Will
Try to read 1 book set in each of the 50 states –
I did this challenge once! It was really fun!