Category: Sunday Memes

Sunday Salon


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Welcome Saloners!!  Another week has quickly flown by,  at least it felt that way to me.    Matter of fact, I just checked my calendar to reflect and see what I did this past week.

Reading:  I only finished one book this week, which I am disappointed about.  Not disappointed in the book but that I only read one book.   I was on such a roll reading 2-3 books.  The book read was suspense packed and I gave it a 4 star.

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I received a notification that I won a James Patterson book from Booking With Bingo.  Psyched!!  Two new books were received but I will share those tomorrow.  Even though I have soooo many books in my TBR pile, I anxiously wait for the mail and UPS every day and if there are no books delivered, I am disappointed.  Does that happen to you?  Haven’t decided what book I will be reading next and/or what I am in the mood for.  

Blogging:  As you all know, this past week was BEA.   Oh how I wish I could attend especially seeing it is only a 4 hour drive from where I live.  But due to my physical limitations with my back, I would never be able to walk around such a large venue and/or stand in lines.  However, I did participate in Armchair BEA, which was my first time.  I had heard about and seen it over the pat couple of years but had the impression that it was posts from those attending.  I stumbled upon the site via another blogger (so sorry can’t remember who it was) and signed up right away.  I can’t believe all the new blogs I visited and am still visiting.  Now that I know more about Armchair BEA, I will be participating next year and hopefully be better with the Twitter aspect of it.

I spent a lot of time on the computer, probably why I didn’t get much reading in, because I was drafting up advance posts for guest author showcases and giveaways.  I am swamped with them for June and July.  Plus I am the type that likes to have them done ahead of time in case RL interferes, I don’t have to scramble at the last minute.

How was your week?  Did you attend BEA and/or participate in Armchair BEA?

Sunday Salon


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Hello Sunday Saloners.  Hope you are enjoying your long weekend and please remember those  heroes that serve and give of themselves for our freedom and safety.  Any big plans for this Memorial Day?

This past week flew by, at least for me.  But then I think as I get older they seem to fly by even faster.  It was a bit of a slow bookish week for me.  Let’s see what I did accomplish.

Reading:   I finished only one book and started another that is a “can’t put down read”.


                        ARC (pub 06/26/12)                 Riveting

I did receive some new books this past week but will be sharing that tomorrow with Mailbox Monday.

Blogging:  I wrote some reviews (that will be posted at a later date), drafted up some posts for author showcases and future giveaways.  I’m the type that has to write my review as soon as I finish a book so as not to forget details, even though I do take notes.   Another reason is that I want to convey the emotions and thoughts that I feel while the book is still fresh in my mind.  What is your SOP when writing reviews?

How was your bookish week?

Sunday Salon


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Hello Sunday Saloners.  Welcome!  How was your week?  My week was a bit busy but I did manage to accomplish a few to-dos on my list.

Reading:  I signed up and participated in the bout of books read-a-thon.  I wasn’t able to get in as much reading I had hoped for but did finish 2 books and started a 3rd.  I don’t know why, but it seems any time I plan on a read-a-thon, RL life has other plans for me.   The 2 books read, and the reviews written, were:


The read-a-thon ends tonight so am hoping to get more reading in to reach my goal.  I received several books this week that I am looking forward to reading.   I will share those tomorrow during Mailbox Monday.

Blogging:  As I said, I wrote 2 reviews.  I have to write my reviews as soon as I finish a book while it is fresh in my mind.  One reason, I didn’t spend the time reading was due to being at the computer.  I drafted up posts for future guest author showcases and giveaways.  I like to create these posts way in advance of the scheduled date so I don’t have to scramble at the last minute especially if RL interferes. 

Real Life:  Another reason why I didn’t put the amount of time in that I had planned to was due to the fact that I wasn’t feeling well and am facing some health issues.  So I was either in a doctor’s office, and Murphy’s Law,  I usually wait for quite some time and can get my reading in while waiting for my turn to go in, but the doctors were on time this week or I couldn’t read due to medical tests.  And because I haven’t felt well, when I did sit down to read, I ended up doing this:

How was your week?  Did you read any good books that you want to share?  lol Just what I need and that is to add to my already enormous “hopefully in my lifetime tbr list” lol.

Happy Mother’s Day and Sunday Salon–Aruba!!

Happy Mother’s Day !!  


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Hello Sunday Saloners.  If this is your first time visiting, welcome!!  Glad you stopped by!!  I haven’t posted in 2 weeks due to my husband and I were on vacation in Aruba!!!  It is our favorite destination for many reasons but more of that later.  Let’s get started with the bookish news.

I did get a bit of reading done.  Between the plane flights to and from and being on the beach every day, I managed to finish 3 books and start another one.


             PrePub Galley

The resort’s beach and pools were a book paradise!!  Everywhere you looked, people were reading print versions or reading from their Kindle, Kindle Fires and/or Ipads.  Being newsy as to what people were reading, I did start conversations on the beach with those who had palapas (huts) near us.  One thing I don’t like about the digital books is you can’t sneak a peek as to what someone is reading so I just asked.  I even invited some to check out the book blogging community.  I received quite a few books while away and will share those for Monday’s Mailbox.

I do have some shocking news to report, you may want to sit down lol.  I have mentioned that my husband is not a reader, matter of fact, in 31 years, I have never seen him get past the 1st page of a book.  Last year when we went to Aruba, I downloaded a book for him, about a local politician, that he had said “I wouldn’t mind reading that”.   Well…..a year later and the book has never been opened.  When we were getting ready for our flight home, I was going to pack the Kindle because I had started a print review copy but my husband said “don’t, I might want to read it on the plane.”  LOL  As soon as we reached altitude, he got up, grabbed the Kindle in our duffle bag above and started reading!!!  Not only did he read, he read for the entire flight (4 1/2 hours) and if I started talking to him, he was quite annoyed because I was interuptting him…Wellllll Excuse Me…lol.  I thought for sure our plane was doomed  lol.

My laptop did come with us but only for checking emails.  However, since we have been home, I have been trying to catch up with posts for showcases, giveaways and Partners In Crime Tours to-dos.  

Glorious!!  We had such a great and relaxing week.  The weather beautiful, except for one full day of rain, which is quite unusual for Aruba.  Temps in the low 90s with a tropical breeze.  Our room’s balcony overlooked the over sized resort and had an ocean view.  We were on the beach everyday around 9:30a, would have breakfast at an outside restaurant not far from our palapa and then have lunch around 2-3p right on the beach under our thatched hut, leaving the beach around 6pm and getting ready for dinner.  The first few days, I sampled different frozen drinks, pina coladas, banana or honeydew melon daiquiris, until I found the right one lol,  the frozen mudslide.  Let me tell you, they go down verrrry easy lol.

Saturday, which was when it rained all day, we were already on the beach.  Usually it will rain for 10-15 minutes, stop and then it is back to sunshine.  However, it was a bit scary.  Everyone stayed under their palapas waiting for it to pass, but then, there was a bolt of lightening right on the beach at the same time with thunder.  Everyone let out a gasp and the whole beach packed up and took cover.   It was quite scary because you actually could feel it, that’s how close it hit..  My husband did get to take a picture of the sky at that time:

This is what Aruba usually looks like.  Some of the following pictures were taken from the balcony of our room.



As with every vacation, the eight days flew by.  And since we decided last year, that now that are sons are are adults and on their own, it’s our time for us.  Life is too short,  goes by way too fast and we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, that we will be taking this trip every year.  We are already talking about when we will be going back!!

How was your week?  What bookish  and/or other news would you like to share.  Would love to hear.

Sunday Salon


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Sunday Salon is on vacation today.

Sunday Salon-The Big News of the Week

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Wow…did this week fly by, well at it felt like it to me.   Good morning Sunday Saloners.  Hope you had a productive week reading and blogging.  As far as my week goes, let’s get started.

Reading:  I only read one book this week, not because of the content, but because I spent too much time at the computer and taking care of other matters.  I also got quite a few books this week, but I will share those tomorrow with Mailbox Monday.

Blogging:  OK..there is an elephant in the room and I am sure this will be the topic of discussion today.  I only found out about it  through 2 of my blogging buddies or I wouldn’t have even known what was going on since I have never visited, at least I don’t think I have, the blogs affected.   And the topic is plagiarism.  I am not going to relate the situation as I don’t know all the details but will say that someone was caught copying another’s blog.  And Gina from Hott Books, also wrote about reviewers getting paid to write 5 star reviews.

I’m not going to address all the drama associated with the specifics but would like to state my overall general feelings on both issues.  And that is true sadness and much disappointment.

First… on the paid for trumped up reviews that are posted on certain sites.  Shame on you for deceiving the public that read your reviews in making their decisions to purchase a book.  Before I became a part of this community, I did take into account  reviews written by others when I wasn’t sure if I wanted to purchase a book or not.  Now that I am part of this community of book bloggers, I 100% rely on other bloggers’  reviews.   But after 2+ years, I am almost positive I know who the credible, honest, professional bloggers are and they are the ones that have made my TBR list grow to the point that I have renamed it to “hopefully in my lifetime TBR list”.   Do I think the bad apples will hurt book bloggers in general.  Unfortunately, yes, for a while until they get caught.  The honest book bloggers that review with integrity may not be believed by the general public.  But eventually  people will see the same name, always giving every book a 5 rating because we all know that not every book is for every person and we have all had those 1 and 2 rated books.  And for those paying for 5 star reviews, it will catch up with you.  The truth will come out regarding the work.  A friend of mine told me a long time, everyone digs their own grave, especially when they are doing wrong, and she is so right.  I have seen it happen too many times to the guilty parties.  There is Karma!!

And now the big topic of the week, plagiarism.  Again, sadness, disappointment and some naivety.  When I first started, my mentor Vicki from I’d Rather Be Reading At The Beach, told me that the “nicest bloggers were book bloggers” and I have found that to be 100% true.  I have considered this community one big international book club and still do.  Plagiarism, I don’t get it?  Why?  Most of us are copyrighted and personally, at least for me, I feel that is in place from the general public.  But if another book blogger asks if they can borrow, likes something on my blog or if they can link back to me, my answer is always a yes.  Matter of fact, I take it as a compliment.  I just recently saw something on someone’s blog that I liked and emailed her to ask permission if she would mind if I could use a similar format.  That’s just everyday courtesy, at least that’s what I think.  Aren’t we book bloggers that have a great passion for books and want to share our thoughts on different books?  This is a hobby with incredible people interacting because we love to read.  But plagiarism, again I ask why?  Maybe I’m missing something or like I said, just plain naive.

What are your thoughts about these 2 topics?  

Hope you have a great week!!  I know I will, but more on that in a couple of days.

Sunday Salon–Read-A-Thon Almost sidelined!!


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Welcome to another FB Sunday Salon.  If this is your first time visiting, Thank you.  Hope you like what you see.   Since I’m taking a break from Dewey’s Read-A-Thon to write this, I am going to get it started right away!!

Reading:  As I stated, I am participating in Dewey’s Read-A-Thon.  This is my first time ever to participate and am enjoying it, even though I thought I was going to be sidelined when I woke up.  My left eye was swollen and in pain…great…never fails…I sign up for a read-a-thon and RL has other plans for me!!  Did you ever get that eyelash stuck somewhere inside your lid and it’s scratching the cornea?  Yup…that was me.  So the 8am kick off didn’t happen.  I have heard much about “Dewey”, but was not a blogger then but from what I heard, I felt that I wanted to give my time to her memory.  I might not be doing what I am if it wasn’t for her!!  But by 11am, even though painful and blurry, I started and it got better throughout the day.

Reading this week was a bit slow.  I finished The Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan and just couldn’t decide what mood I was in for my next book, so I picked up a few, read a few pages and then received one from The Story Plant for it’s Spread The Word Initiative Program, Betty’s (Little Basement) Garden by Laurel Dewey and decided on this one.


I received some great books this week but will post those tomorrow.

Blogging:  Another week that I spent more time at the computer than I should have. I have a lot of guest author showcases and giveaways coming up and I like to prepare my drafts way in advance.  Since I am not the quickest when it comes to the computer, it does take time to pull these together.  And not only that, I feel that if for some reason, RL interferes, I don’t have to scramble at the last minute.  Am I the only one that is OCD about showcases or does anyone else prepare their’s ahead of time?

Real Life:  Highlight…spin cycle on my favorite appliance let go.  At first I was YES!!! no laundry, then looked and saw the hampers and got on the phone for repair service. I just don’t understand…even though it’s just my husband and I living here, the boys out of state, my laundry multiplies like rabbits.  But all fixed!!  Back to normal, wash, dry, fold.

Not a very exciting week here, the next 2 will be though….stay tuned to what is coming up!!

How was your week?

Sunday Salon…Changes and An Unexpected Trip


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Hi  to everyone this glorious Sunday, hope you had a wonderful week.   I didn’t post last week due to Easter so I have a lot of bookish thoughts this week.  So let’s get started…….

Reading:  I read a phenomenal, captivating memoir that I highly recommend, RagDoll Redeemed by Dawn Novotny.  And I have another 2 books that I am reading,  something I never thought I would do and that is to read 2 at a time.  More on that in a bit.  The 2 books are The Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan and The Whipping Club by Deborah Henry.


Back to reading in general…..Not sure why, but lately my reading habits and genres have changed.  Example… reading 2 books at a time, I never thought I could or even would consider trying to give my attention to 2 books.  I often wondered how others could do it and now I am.  Maybe it’s that I couldn’t decide what to read next so started perusing my 2 current reads and then found myself reading both.  Has this happened to you?  Do you read more than one book at a time?  And another change I have noticed is genres.  I have always been a staunch mystery/suspense reader but lately have been reading memoirs and books with a lot of relationship dynamics.  Again, maybe it’s just because I just finished some great books, one book by a favorite author, Diane Chamberlain, and 2 of which were by another author, Barbara Taylor Sissel, who is also now on my favorite authors list.  Again, highly recommend all 3.


Blogging:  Spent quite a lot of time at the computer this week, which is one of the reasons I only read one book.  Due to some unexpected plans that left me being away from home for an overnight stay in the hospital.  Plus the fact that I am currently over seeing 5 tours with Partners In Crime Tours (more on that in a bit) and getting ready for a planned vacation, I tried to get a lot of posts drafted up in advance.  I also updated my LT account, which I haven’t done in many months, but have a question.  I have reached my 200 book and I can’t add any more without an upgrade.  I know there must be many of you that have more books than that.  Do you pay the yearly fee?  Or do you keep your account maxed at 200 and use GR instead?

If you are stopping by for the first time, welcome.  I would like to extend an invitation to you and to those who might be interested.  I am a partner in a virtual PR company, Partners In Crime Tours, for authors of mystery, suspense and crime novels.  There are so many new book blogs out in cyberspace now, I am afraid I might miss some.  If you enjoy reading the genre of mystery/suspense and would like to become a host/reviewer for our group, please email me at and I will email you with the details or answer any questions you may have.  Hope you sign on.  Our site is where you can see our past, current and upcoming tours and read our testimonials.

Real Life:  I mentioned that I had an unexpected trip to the hospital, that was definitely not part of my plans this past week.  And to make matters worse, it was THE FIRST time I ever left my house without a book!!!!  Last Saturday while in the process of taking my prescribed morning meds, I started to cough and accidentally aspirated a pill into my trachea.  From there I started having signs of fever, wheezing and shortness of breath.  Knowing that we have a vacation coming up, I called my doc thinking that an x-ray would be taken and antibiotics prescribed.  Easy but NO!!  They said to come right in (that’s when I forgot my book).  From the doctor’s office, a rescue was called and I was rushed to the hospital ER (6 hours….NO BOOK).  Chest x-ray done and was fine.  Gave me a breathing treatment (great!!!…I can go home…..but NO!!!)  After the treatment, I became worse with wheezing to the point where the doc could audibly hear me from the desk and came running into my cubicle.  Rushed to CTscan (Admitted!!…NO BOOK).  Hubby finally rescued me and brought me a book.  Stayed overnight for IV antibiotics, steroids and more breathing treatments.  Discharged next day.  Had severe lung broncho spasms due to the aspiration.  Good news, I had my book and we can go on our planned vacation.  Will have more tests after our get away.  I learned 2 valuable lessons…NEVER leave house without book and not to cough when taking medication.  Feeling better now!!!

So how was your week?  Any great reads, finds, recommendations?  And if this was your first time stopping by, thank you.  Check  out the sidebars for current giveaways!!