Living In The Hope Of My Imagination by William D. Simpson
Published by Thorncrown (Division of Yorkshire Publishing)
ISBN: 978-0-88144-488-9
At the request of Yorkshire Publishing, a PB copy was sent, at no cost to me, for my honest opinion.
Synopsis (from back of book): Exposing the Untruths of Moral Relativism in the Light Of Absolute Truth. Give to a person what they want and in time it will become an expectation. Left unchallenged that anticipation turns into habit and once trained, independence gives way to dependence. When People are reliant they become comfortable and at that moment, they are led astray. this defines American culture today.
Wake Up People! You are happily being let do the slaughter and you don’t even know it. Self-indulgent political agendas and a systematic dismantling of moral ethics have created a way of life that has ruptured the foundation of who we are. Money, power and self gratification are now the heartbeat of a nation that once held human life in high esteem. We have become a people despised by our very own. For the people involved in everything from politics to education, science to medicine, entertainment, media and the arts, to false world religions and those who just don’t know, your time of accountability has come. It is time for change, but not the change they want us to believe.
My Thoughts and Opinion: The author, William D. Simpson tells the story of his life, which includes physical and emotional abuse, years spent in prison, drug and alcohol abuse and how after many years,his faith helped him through. He states that he has had little education, he has never studied theology, nor is an ordained pastor. However, he does claim to be a Christian with years of studying the Bible. In this book he talks about The Revelations in the Bible and how it compares to our society today. I have read other books on this subject, so was familiar with the Scriptures taken from the Bible and the premise. It was, at times, a profound and difficult read, a very conservative take on the morality, political, medical, homosexuality and instant gratification of today’s world. There were some issues that he wrote about that I agree with but then there were others that I didn’t. I felt that even though I didn’t agree with everything he said, it was a thought provoking read.
I received a copy of this book, at no charge to me,
in exchange for my honest review.
No items that I receive
are ever sold…they are kept by me,
or given to family and/or friends.
I don't care for non-fiction. You wrote a great review though…..
Your review of my book missed the most important truth I attempted to help the reader to realize. That you and I, and everyone else will stand before God one day to give an account of our life's witness. And yes, the book was written to provoke thought.
William D. Simpson