Today’s question:
Quick–what are you reading right now? (Other than this question on
this website, of course.) Would you recommend it? What’s it about?
My response:
I am currently reading Low Pressure by Sandra Brown.
I have been a fan of Sandra Brown’s for many, many years. I would say from the time I was in HS/College. It had been quite some time that I had read a book by her but not so long ago, I read Lethal and it was pure Sandra Brown. I enjoyed it so much and wish that there hadn’t been a lapse of reading her books. So when I saw that her new book was released, I jumped at the chance to read it.
I am enjoying it, definitely would recommend it, at least so far. The only problem in reading this book is me. Because I just don’t have the time to really get into it due to business and RL, I am hoping that when things calm down, I can dedicate some quality reading time so that I can enjoy it.