This week’s question:
A while ago, I interviewed my readers for a change, and my final question was, “What question have I NOT asked at BTT that you’d love me to ask?” I got some great responses and will be picking out some of the questions from time to time to ask the rest of you. Like now.
SammyDee asks:
What book(s) have you read that you’re secretly ashamed to admit
My response:
The books that came instantly to mind aren’t necessarily that I’m ashamed to admit to, but more so embarrassed. And there are 4 read, 1 waiting to be read.
I have openly admitted that I am computer challenged, which that is something that I’m ashamed of, just ask Gina from Hott Books. I don’t know what I would do without her as she is my computer angel. She puts up with me, and with much patience I might add, for all the questions I ask how to do certain things. She was partially the force behind the new look and the reason why and how I moved over to wordpress., which she did both. Because I am always bothering her, I bought WordPress For Dummies as a reference guide and even then, I have trouble and end up going to her for help. The other is a book she just sent me , Getting Geeky With Twitter, since I am still trying to navigate that site but haven’t had the time to open it up and read.
The other books that came to mind are 3 that I read and reviewed from a request last year. As I said, I’m not ashamed but a bit embarrassed because of the reasons I accepted the review request. They were children’s books. I don’t read children’s books since it has been many years that I have had to read to my sons, seeing that they are 26 and 28, and my hinting for grandchildren has fallen on deaf ears. So there aren’t any little ones around to share these books with. However, if I read and reviewed them, I would also have the opportunity to host a giveaway, and seeing it was right around Christmas, I thought it would be a fun giveaway for those that follow my blog and did have little tykes in their lives. And the final one was The Bedtime Book For Dogs, an adorable book for children that instead of being read to, they could read to their dogs. That book I gave to my son and future dil, partially as a joke, because she would say all the time, even with my husband and I, that it was time for “bonding and quality time”. And would say the same thing about their dog. So I thought this would be the perfect book so that she could have her “bonding and quality time” with the dog. Knowing the personality of this dog, the book has probably been digested, literally lol.
OK, your turn. What books are you ashamed to say that you read?