Wondrous Words Wednesday (2 of 2)


Hosted by Kathy at Bermudanonion’s Weblog
  Before I share with you the words I found this past week, I just want to also share my thoughts.  Back in the day (lol) when I was in school, I probably wouldn’t have been able to find these words in the dictionary.  It just amazes me that we have so much knowledge at our finger tips with today’s technology.  I WONDER what we will have say in 10 years.

Today my words are a bit different.  They are slang words (which I was eager to look up lol) that are used in Ireland and thereabouts. and they are:

1.(used with a plural verb) Vulgar. ballocks.
2.(used with a singular or plural verb) British Vulgar. rubbish; nonsense; claptrap (often used interjectionally).
–nounChiefly Irish Slang: Vulgar.

1.a mean and contemptible person, esp. a braggart.
2.a stupid and incompetent person

3 thoughts on “Wondrous Words Wednesday (2 of 2)

  1. I went through a phase where I read tons of British and remember bollocks from those days. It's a fun word! Thanks for participating!

  2. Good word…I tell my teens I'd rather hear bollocks instead of bullshit–I don't know why, I just do!!


  3. Cheryl either I read a heck of a lot or maybe am just a dictionary in disguise but knew what both words meant and have even used Bollocks in a sentence in the past when talking to my dear daddy, he liked to use the BS word and I told him it just was disgusting to hear!!!

    Gobshite I think was used in some Nora Roberts books and maybe even a Maeve Binchy or 2 that I have read, for sure it was used in Good Will Hunting by Minnie Driver who played the girlfriend of Will!!!

    always interesting and fun though to see posts like this so thanks for sharing!!!

    jackie b central texas

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