Today’s question:
Do you find that your mood affects the things you read? Like, if you’re in a bad mood, do you tend to indulge in reading that will support it or do you try to read things that will cheer you up? Do you pick different types of books on dreary, rainy days than you do on bright sunny ones?
For that matter, does your mood color what you’re reading, so that a funny book isn’t so funny or a serious one not so deep?
My answer:
Today’s question has taken much thought. I guess I have always chosen my “next book” upon my mood but never realized it. My number one genre is mystery/suspense but the past few books that I have read I would put in the classification of contemporary fictions/romance/chick lit. I don’t go searching through my tbr pile saying “I need something to cheer me up”. I tend to just peruse the pile, select a couple of books that seem interesting at the time, read the blurb and go from there. So I guess subconsciously, my mood is in it’s own way, deciding which book I should read.