Hi All: I haven’t been participating in memes lately for a couple of reasons. PICT and PBP tour companies have been keeping me very busy with all of our tours. I invite you to stop by and see what great titles have been booked. If interested in any of the titles and think you would like to participate, there is a form on either site to fill out.
And then, over this past weekend, had some major computer issues, which resulted in something I wasn’t anticipating, to purchase a new laptop since the old one crashed. I have been trying to transfer all of my files and sites to the new one to bring it up to speed. Not a fun task!! But getting there.
What’s new with you?
This week’s question:
It’s the depth of winter here where I live right now … what books do you like to read when it’s snowy and white? What books do you read to evoke a real feeling of winter (good or bad)?
My thoughts:
I have never been a seasonal reader when it comes to titles but am when it comes to reading habits. I also live in an area where it’s the depth of winter and, especially during a snow storm, love to get comfy in my reading chair with a fleece throw, a hot cup of coffee or chocolate and read. My reading room/office is set up so that when I am in my recliner, I can also glance up to look out the window to see the snow falling and blowing around. Matter of fact, this scenario played out yesterday. I have been in a reading slump and thought that this setting would help, which it would have, if I hadn’t dozed off lol. Unfortunately, the depth of winter flu bug, has come to visit at the Mash household. 🙁
Your reading room sounds so cozy! I love the image of coziness and a view of the outside.
I’m not a seasonal reader either. Snow is so rare in my part of the country, I’ve not seen it enough to have a reading plan for it.