Category: Saturday Memes

Know Me Better

Hosted by Kathy @ I Am A Reader Not A Writer

From Kathy’s site:

Each week I will pick 5 questions off of my author interview lists to answers.I invite you to share your answers to these questions as well.  You can share them as a comment on this post or share them on your own blog and link up to this post.

This Week’s Questions:

What is your favorite flavor of jelly beans?
I love, love jelly bellys!! And favorites? Can I answer all of them? Picking one flavor would be like choosing what child you love more.

What size shoe do you wear?

What is your favorite cereal?
Honey nut Cheerios

Have you ever cut your own hair?
I once tried to trim my bangs, when I had them, but never did that again because of the outcome.

Do you sing in the shower?
No. I can’t even hum.

Know Me Better

Hosted by Kathy @ I Am A Reader Not A Writer

I thought this would be a fun meme to participate in.  So here goes…my first time joining in.  Care to join me?  Click above.

From Kathy’s site:
Each week I will pick 5 questions off of my author interview lists to answers.
I invite you to share your answers to these questions as well. You can share them as a comment on this post or share them on your own blog and link up to this post.

This Week’s Questions:

What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you?
I have been blessed in this area.  There have been so many times, that family and friends, have been kind to me that it would be unfair if I just named a couple.  However, I will mention one that happened recently, which brought me to tears.  As some of you know, my youngest son is getting married  this year, which is taking place out-of-state.  A few weeks ago I received a surprise text from my future d-i-l.  When I opened it, it was a picture of her trying on wedding gowns and asking what I thought.  The fact that she thought of me in wanting to share this special day, brought me to tears.  She is going to make a beautiful bride.
What is most memorable about your high school years?
Being with friends, my 11th grade English teacher (we had to read/review a book every week), travelling abroad twice, getting my driver’s license.  However, there was an event that overshadowed my HS years, and that was the loss of my father.
Have you ever gotten up early for a “black Friday sale”?
LOL…never have..never will
Were you named after anyone?
Would you bungee jump, skydive or something similar?
Another LOL…since I have a fear of heights, that will never happen!

Saturday Snippet/Soapbox


Hi Everyone!  Wishing you a very Happy and Safe Memorial Day Weekend!!

Saturday Snippet Soapbox

I saw something this morning as I was visiting my daily routine stops and it really bothered me.  I have talked about it briefly in the past but thought I would get on my soapbox and discuss it today with y’all.  Hoping we can have a discussion and/or you will share your thoughts on the subject.

What was it?  This:

Seeking a reviewer
Hi, I offer professional reviews on I have review other books on religion and Christianity. I do this for a fee. I also offer… more »(source LinkedIn)

My Thoughts:
I understand the majority of us, in the book blogging community, are not “professional” reviewers but ordinary every day consumers who share our opinions of books we have read.  Some do or do not have degrees in English Literature and/or writing, but we do have opinions.  A great number of book bloggers write great reviews, another one of my opinions.

I came on the scene a bit late so maybe I shouldn’t be taking on this subject, but then it has been 2+ years so I think I can speak a little about the neighborhood.  My TBR list has tripled because of your reviews and I thank you, I think lol, for that.  I value your honesty and respect your opinions or my TBR list wouldn’t be the size it is.

Over the past 2+ years, I feel and sense that we are taken more seriously as to our feelings on books.  If not, I don’t think authors, publishers, publicists, etc would contact us for reviews.  We no longer are “just mommy blogs” or people who just blog as a hobby.  I think, again my opinion, that the majority of us take reviewing seriously.  Most bloggers conduct and maintain their blogs in a professional, credible, with integrity, serious and more as a job than a hobby fashion.

My questions regarding paid reviews:  Are they really going to be honest?  If one is writing a review that has received payment, are they REALLY going to write a soso review or worse?  How can that be an honest and credible review?  Some of us post our reviews on Amazon, B&N, and other sites and now our reviews are going to be lumped together with “paid for reviews”.  I will be honest, I do read reviews on those sites, however, I won’t be taking any of them seriously now.  I will stick to those bloggers that I know are credible and  who I have to thank for my TBR list.  But what about the average consumer that don’t know about the book blogging community and honest reviews?  Is that fair to the reading public and to those that decide on a purchase due to paid reviews?

I will now step off my soap box, refill my coffee cup and move on to my next stop, my google reader to see who has written reviews on books that I am interested in and to see if they get added to my TBR list.  What are your feelings, thoughts and opinions on this?   Am I wrong in my thinking on this matter?  If I am misunderstanding this, then would greatly appreciate your comments to better understand.  Criticism accepted lol.

I have not paid for any comments left. If there are responses, they are the honest opinions of those who took the time to leave their opinion.

Saturday Snippets


It’s that time again, spring ahead!!  Even though we lose an hour of sleep and it takes me a few days to regulate my internal body clock,  I look forward to this.   It also means, I will now be turning on my computer with coffee mug in hand at 5am instead of 6am.  Even today, I planned on sleeping an hour later, but the internal alarm clock went off at 6am.  Personally, I wish the clocks remained on Daylight Savings Time throughout the year, but I understand why it can’t.    Especially, in this day and age, and the little ones waiting for their buses in the dark.

I was watching the news last night and they interviewed a doctor as to how changing of the clocks affects one’s body and found it interesting.    Two of the items (that I remember lol…senior moments were not one of them) were:

  • The Monday morning  rush hour traffic, following the changing of time, is the day of the year with the most traffic accidents.
  • There are more heart attacks seen in ERs 3 days following the changing of time.

I don’t know if it’s just psychological but I tend to have more energy and look forward to the longer days with sunlight.    I love seeing my perennials start to bloom and knowing that the warmer weather is right around the corner.    However, here in New England, I can’t complain as to the weather.  It’s been a very mild winter with hardly any snow, even my daffodils are confused, they started sprouting a few weeks ago in February!!   

What about you?   Does the time change affect you in anyway?   How long does it take you to readjust your body’s internal clock.   What are your thoughts about changing the time?

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

A Bit Of Me


Hosted by Crystal at I Totally Paused!

From Danielle’s blog:
We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. We each, individually, do something or are someone that makes the world a little better just by being here. I created this weekly meme to get to know the blogging community I love just a bit better. To know what makes them tick, outside of books, that is. Each week I will post a question to be answered in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. Check back each Saturday to get the info for next week’s post and link up with your current post right here.
This week’s question:  What is your fall favorite? Share a fall recipe, activity, memory, or any other fall favorite! (Remember, next week will be hosted here!!!)

Years past, I would look forward to fall.  Seeing the beautiful scenery of leaves changing colors, the nippy chill in the air, start my fall cleaning and starting to cook in bulk what I call cold weather food.  
However, due to my physical limitations and responsibilities, I may not be able to accomplish all of that this year, but I am going to try to do what I can.  There is nothing more comforting than walking into a house, and smell the aromas coming from the kitchen.
I like to cook certain foods in bulk and freeze in portions so that if some nights I don’t feel like preparing, it is already done.  I will usually double my portions of chicken soup, meatballs and gravy (us Italians call it gravy, others call it sauce),  another gravy recipe that was passed down from my grandmother, home made apple sauce and even fresh vegetables.  
And just the other day I started to prepare for the fall.  I ordered my Yankee Candle Fall Scents to burn to make the season complete.
What about you?  What is your fall favorite?

A Bit Of Me


Hosted by Jen at Teacher Mentors Text

From Danielle’s blog:
We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. We each, individually, do something or are someone that makes the world a little better just by being here. I created this weekly meme to get to know the blogging community I love just a bit better. To know what makes them tick, outside of books, that is. Each week I will post a question to be answered in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. Check back each Saturday to get the info for next week’s post and link up with your current post right here.
This week’s question:  (link-up with your answer at Jen’s site): Share your favorite blogs, bookish or not, that you can’t go a single day without visiting.

Last week I announced that Saturday’s A Bit Of Me was taking a hiatus, but when I went to Danielle’s site to start my hopping and post my link, she had some great news.  Some bloggers had offered to host this meme on a rotating basis so A Bit Of Me Is back !!!!  Thank you to those kind bloggers in offering of their time!!!!!


Favorite?  I can’t do favorite!!!  That’s like asking which child is your favorite? …..well I guess that would depend on the kind of day it is lol.  OK…I’ll give it a try.  After booting up and checking my mail, the next stop is my blog, NING and Facebook and see what I missed while sleeping.
Then it’s back to my blog, to post my daily memes (I really do love my daily memes), visit the hosting blog and start hopping to blogs that participate.  I tend to visit different blogs throughout the day depending on reading something from their newsletter that I subscribe to, or if I haven’t visited in a while and I will admit I do have some favorites but my lips are zipped.

What about you?  What sites is a must for you to visit on a daily basis?

A Bit Of Me


Hosted by Jen at Teacher Mentors Text

From Danielle’s blog:
We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. We each, individually, do something or are someone that makes the world a little better just by being here. I created this weekly meme to get to know the blogging community I love just a bit better. To know what makes them tick, outside of books, that is. Each week I will post a question to be answered in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. Check back each Saturday to get the info for next week’s post and link up with your current post right here.
This week’s question:  (link-up with your answer at Jen’s site): Share your favorite blogs, bookish or not, that you can’t go a single day without visiting.

Last week I announced that Saturday’s A Bit Of Me was taking a hiatus, but when I went to Danielle’s site to start my hopping and post my link, she had some great news.  Some bloggers had offered to host this meme on a rotating basis so A Bit Of Me Is back !!!!  Thank you to those kind bloggers in offering of their time!!!!!


Favorite?  I can’t do favorite!!!  That’s like asking which child is your favorite? …..well I guess that would depend on the kind of day it is lol.  OK…I’ll give it a try.  After booting up and checking my mail, the next stop is my blog, NING and Facebook and see what I missed while sleeping.
Then it’s back to my blog, to post my daily memes (I really do love my daily memes), visit the hosting blog and start hopping to blogs that participate.  I tend to visit different blogs throughout the day depending on reading something from their newsletter that I subscribe to, or if I haven’t visited in a while and I will admit I do have some favorites but my lips are zipped.

What about you?  What sites is a must for you to visit on a daily basis?

A Bit Of Me

Good morning all!!  As you know, the eastern United States is preparing for a very unwelcome visitor, named Irene.  Some have already been affected and others, like my family, are preparing for this storm.  To those affected, please stay safe!!!  As far as us, we are in the direct path and have been told we could be without power for days due to the high winds and downed power lines.  So if you don’t see me online, you know why.  We are supposed to get the worse part sometime tomorrow but can get the outer ring rains starting later tonight.
On a better note, I think I have finally figured out the glitch in Sunday’s Shining Star.  So my question to you, since next week is labor day and many have end of summer cookouts, plans with family and friends, should I restart the event on September 11th or start it next week?  Again, though it will depend if I have access to my laptop.
Also today is the last day for A Bit Of Me and I do love my memes.  Does anyone know of any other memes for Saturdays that I haven’t come across yet? Suggestions will be appreciated.
Again, to all blogging buddies in the path of Irene, please stay safe, have your book, book lights, candles EReaders charged, I know I do.  There are priorities for a reader lol. 


Hosted by Danielle at There’s A Book

From Danielle’s blog:
We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. We each, individually, do something or are someone that makes the world a little better just by being here. I created this weekly meme to get to know the blogging community I love just a bit better. To know what makes them tick, outside of books, that is. Each week I will post a question to be answered in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. Check back each Saturday to get the info for next week’s post and link up with your current post right here.
This week’s question: 

the Last Question for A Bit of Me(Me) at least for awhile: What’s been the best part of participating and/or do you have a favorite question you loved answering?Read more:

As you can see by today’s question, this will be the final week of A Bit Of Me.  And true to form, Danielle has asked what has been the best part.  I have teased her since participating in her weekly meme how she always asks to “name one” or “the favorite”, etc.   And every week, I never played by the rules and answered with more than one answer.  But today I will follow her rules.  
The best part: being a part of the Saturday A Bit Of Me Weekly Meme.
Danielle, you have been a fantastic host.  It amazed me at the variety of questions you asked week after week.  I enjoyed trying to find the images to go along with the questions then hopping around to see those who participated and seeing their answers and images.  I will miss these Saturday morning visits but I also understand how much time it takes to host.  So a BIG thank you for all of your hard work!!!!!!