I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young’ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.
I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that “book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are” and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those “nicest bloggers” around and about bloggyland a little bit better.
How is everyone today? Since last week was a relaxing day by the pool, I thought that this week we would do some travelling to meet our blogging friend. Today we will be going to India so I hope you packed enough, but then don’t we always over pack when going away? And that grumbling you hear…..ignore it…..it’s Jeff and Steve complaining……that the luggage is too heavy……it’s the perfect day to be on the golf course……how come Lori packed 4 pieces of luggage…….MEN!!!!
Today’s guest, I am sure most of you know, either from comments that she has left on your blog or you visiting her place. But we have the treat today of getting to know her better. Today’s guest is GAUTAMI from EVERYTHING DISTILS INTO READING
*When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging in June 2005. My poetry, rooted, exists from that date. I was always a reader but did not know about book blogging. I got to know about it from another book blogger, who used to visit my poetry blog and insisted I answer the book memes that she tagged. I started my book blog, My Own Little Reading Room, in 2006. However, I lost that blog to Malware in April 2009. I started the current blog, Everything Distils Into Reading, in May 2009. I had to rebuilt it from scratch. I could recover my review posts with dates, as I had subscribed own blog in Google Reader.
*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
My life revolves around reading. Even my poetry writing revolves around reading. So Everything Distils Into Reading just fell into place.
*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
I would say book reviews. The memes I do are also book reviews. I try to incorporate my reviews into my blog in all ways possible.
*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
I read Crime Fiction, Literary Fiction and poetry. Sometimes Historical novels, Memoirs, and Travelogues. I am trying to incorporate other genres too. I pick up th difficult reads somehow.
*How often do you post?
On my book blog, almost daily. On poetry blog 3 times a week.
*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
Books and Poetry. I keep my personal self away from it!
*What are some of the negatives?
I spend too much time blogging and blog hopping!
*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
All book reviews on my book blog
Everything Distils Into Reading
All my poetry on my poetry blog, rooted.
*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Keep you blog simple. No blings, not animations. Keep it user friendly. Your writing should be good and interesting.. And network. But have patience.
*What draws you to follow someone’s blog?
Good content. Artful writing. And my kind of genres. For poetry blog..POETRY!
*Do you have any “pet peeves” that other bloggers do?
Yes. I don’t like intensedebate, disqus and embedded comment system. Then music, blings etc. If it is book blog, it has to be about books. Not Music and the likes. I also don’t like too much of author interviews, All those challenge posts, only book promotions.
*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the “real” you!!
Well, I am a math teacher.
I love to cook.
I have to learn about each little thing.
I am single.
I love children.
I like doing math puzzles.
I am a good listener
I am a very positive person.
*Any other info you would like to share.
Anyone interested to write poetry with me??
Gautami thank you for being my guest today. I found this interview to be so much fun because I have been following her blog for quite some time now but really didn’t know the person behind the screen. I knew about her poetry blog, absolutely beautiful work. If you get a chance, do stop by. There are blogging peers that have that in common with Gautami, that they may not have known. I didn’t realize that Gautami was a math teacher and embarrassed to say that was my worse subject in school, I may need some tutoring in that area. However, I was not surprised to learn that she is a good listener or a positive person because I feel that has come through from her postings. The advice she has given, has given me a few thoughts to ponder. Her reviews are excellent, and my only negative with Gautami….. lol….. is Teaser Tuesday. It never fails, the book that she showcases goes on to my tbr bucket list. Another great blogger. Another Shining Star!!!!
Addendum: After drafting this post on Wednesday morning, I sent Gautami an email to let her know she was this week’s Shining Star. My TV is on when I blog, tuned on to a cable news station, and there was breaking news that there had just been bombings in India. Sometimes we don’t realize or take it for granted, that in today’s world with the internet, we have made wonderful friendships from around the world. I was quite anxious, waiting to hear that she was OK, until she emailed me. I expressed my concern and she sent me to her FB page of a poem she had written 3 years ago, that I would like to share: https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/notes/gautami-tripathy/undead-for-eternity-repost-from-my-blog-for-the-mumbai-attacks-07132011/10150235981411608?notif_t=note_tag
I always enjoy visiting Gautami's blogs. I had tried my hand at poetry a few months back, but, felt I couldn't keep up with it. My mind doesn't work like the other poets. My poems are really juvenile next to their poems. But I do love reading Gautami's poems. She is truly a SHINING STAR.
Gautami is a wonderful blogger! I hear her too about disquis and intensedebate. I can't stand that comment system. Thanks Cheryl for another fun shining star post.
Gautami is one of the first international bloggers I got to know a few years ago! She is definitely a Shining Star!!
pleased to meet you. I am off to check out your blog. 🙂
Thanks for another Shining Star, Cheryl.
I love Gautami's sari. Plus she has the most beautiful LONG LONG HAIR!
Thank you for featuring this amazing girl -she is one of my fave stars. Keep them coming and Gautami keep growing that hair 😉
I enjoy Gautami's blog, she finds some interesting Crime novels. I remember a personal post about her and her mom, sweet.
Cheryl, I agree with her teaser Tuesday's, they add to the tar list for sure.
I think I asked this before but do you enjoy Verse Novels? can you recommend one please.
Thanks Cheryl, for featuring me. I feel so good. I love vising all of you.
Aisle B, I ain't no girl! Me kinda look girlish!!
Marce, I have read a few verse novels. Will recommend on your blog.
Met Gautami from It's Monday! What are you reading? I love her blog and poetry!!! Excellent Shining Star!!
Don't blame me for the luggage, the one is full of your stuff!!!
As long as I've read Gautami's blog, I never knew she's a math teacher.
Thanks for finding a new to me blog and blogger to visit Cheryl.. Gautami it is nice to meet you today and like Cheryl my worse subject in school was Math, and Reading Poetry was one of my favorite things to do in the Interscholastic League Competitions that we went to in High School… My favorite was T.S. Elliot's "Cats" and learned it verbatim and now cannot remember it to save my life!
Stopping by later to check out the book blog, hopefully my own hugely staggering wishing to read list or TBR shelves will not be affected or added to. LOL
I love Gautami's blog! Great choice!
Gautami is such a sweet person and a perfect choice for a shining star!
I love Gautami's blog! She's one blogger I'd love to meet in person.